View Full Version : really worried about swollen lymph node

21-06-17, 16:57
For a couple of months, I have been feeling kind of weak, lightheaded and dizzy. I put it down to heavy periods and I made a doctor's appointment, which is next week, because I thought I might have iron deficiency anaemia, which doesn't worry me at all.

But a couple of days ago, things changed.

I felt a lump in my right side groin (like the crease at the top of the leg). I freaked out started googling, and discovered lymphoma.

The lump is clearly a lymph node, because there's one on the other side of my groin. However, that one is smaller and I can barely feel it. Online it said normal size of lymph nodes was up to 1cm, but I would say the big one feels like 2cm. It feels hard.

If I had an infection, then surely the other side would be swollen too? But only one side is swollen.

Today is a couple of days after I noticed the lump and every chance I get I always feel it. I'm so worried because I can feel a string of lumps, and i don't know if they were there when I first noticed. It's like a string/line of lumps down the crease but that particular one is a lot bigger.

I am so scared. I only just got over my fears of other cancers, now this. Plus, I also read that anaemia is a symptom and I'm freaking out because that is what I thought I had before I found the lump.

The lump doesn't hurt to press on however thinking back a couple of months, the top of my right leg always hurt when I walked. I never thought anything of it but now I'm thinking that was the early lymphoma sign and now its spreading

Plus, I've been itchy the past couple of nights which is also a sign but i don't know if that is my anxiety or not :(

I'm finding it really hard to look forward to things in life now. I'm meant to be going on a big holiday next week and I'm scared I'll be in cancer treatment the whole summer instead.

I don't know what to do. I just don't know what else this lump/string of lumps could be

Sorry if this sounds confusing, I'm a bit of a mess right now.

21-06-17, 17:16
For a couple of months, I have been feeling kind of weak, lightheaded and dizzy. I put it down to heavy periods and I made a doctor's appointment, which is next week, because I thought I might have iron deficiency anaemia, which doesn't worry me at all.

But a couple of days ago, things changed.

I felt a lump in my right side groin (like the crease at the top of the leg). I freaked out started googling, and discovered lymphoma.

The lump is clearly a lymph node, because there's one on the other side of my groin. However, that one is smaller and I can barely feel it. Online it said normal size of lymph nodes was up to 1cm, but I would say the big one feels like 2cm. It feels hard.

If I had an infection, then surely the other side would be swollen too? But only one side is swollen.

Today is a couple of days after I noticed the lump and every chance I get I always feel it. I'm so worried because I can feel a string of lumps, and i don't know if they were there when I first noticed. It's like a string/line of lumps down the crease but that particular one is a lot bigger.

I am so scared. I only just got over my fears of other cancers, now this. Plus, I also read that anaemia is a symptom and I'm freaking out because that is what I thought I had before I found the lump.

The lump doesn't hurt to press on however thinking back a couple of months, the top of my right leg always hurt when I walked. I never thought anything of it but now I'm thinking that was the early lymphoma sign and now its spreading

Plus, I've been itchy the past couple of nights which is also a sign but i don't know if that is my anxiety or not :(

I'm finding it really hard to look forward to things in life now. I'm meant to be going on a big holiday next week and I'm scared I'll be in cancer treatment the whole summer instead.

I don't know what to do. I just don't know what else this lump/string of lumps could be

Sorry if this sounds confusing, I'm a bit of a mess right now.

Hi Amy,

Im sorry you are feeling panic - i've been there and exactly for the same reason as you. Its VERY common for lymph nodes to increase fighting off infections - this is natural and expected.
Also when highly anxious, we tend to notice our bodies a hell of a lot more - including slight changes - such as lymph nodes.

Its very difficult but try and see the other future path - the one thats probably 99.9999% true ;) - the one where you aren't ill and you are more than healthy. Set things to do and look forward to. Keep busy at all times.

Hope you feel less anxious soon

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-06-17, 12:00

I have the same thing! I have about 3 or 4 lymph nodes in a string on one side, about the same size as yours and also hard. On the other side I have a few too but they're smaller and less obvious. They've also caused me pain when walking sometimes.

I'm not sure what it is and am planning to go to doc. but my anxiety makes me want to avoid all medical related things so am not too keen to go but I've got to suck it up!

I've been doing some research about my own nodes and obviously I'm no doctor and can't say for sure but I've heard in very slim individuals it can sometimes be normal to feel lymph nodes in the groin. I know for me I've lost weight due to my anxiety so perhaps you have too and it could be that?

I've also heard of 'shotty' lymph nodes which are when you had some type of infection before and the lymph nodes never go down even if you're better.

Apparently wearing overly tight trousers/underwear can cause irritation as well as shaving down there, because it can cause small scratches/cuts and can sometimes cause lymph nodes to get swollen like as in an infection.

Like I said, I can't give you medical advice nor can I tell you what's wrong but just wanted to point out that lymph nodes don't ALWAYS mean cancer or a serious illness.

Hopefully your doctor's appointment will be useful and I hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about. You should definitely express how concerned you are about this to the doctor even so.

In the meantime before your appointment, try not to feel them as it could make them more irritated/enlarged I've heard, and it will also make you more anxious which won't help at all!

Hugs and best wishes. Good luck with your appointment next week xx

23-06-17, 00:30

I have the same thing! I have about 3 or 4 lymph nodes in a string on one side, about the same size as yours and also hard. On the other side I have a few too but they're smaller and less obvious. They've also caused me pain when walking sometimes.

I'm not sure what it is and am planning to go to doc. but my anxiety makes me want to avoid all medical related things so am not too keen to go but I've got to suck it up!

I've been doing some research about my own nodes and obviously I'm no doctor and can't say for sure but I've heard in very slim individuals it can sometimes be normal to feel lymph nodes in the groin. I know for me I've lost weight due to my anxiety so perhaps you have too and it could be that?

I've also heard of 'shotty' lymph nodes which are when you had some type of infection before and the lymph nodes never go down even if you're better.

Apparently wearing overly tight trousers/underwear can cause irritation as well as shaving down there, because it can cause small scratches/cuts and can sometimes cause lymph nodes to get swollen like as in an infection.

Like I said, I can't give you medical advice nor can I tell you what's wrong but just wanted to point out that lymph nodes don't ALWAYS mean cancer or a serious illness.

Hopefully your doctor's appointment will be useful and I hope it turns out to be nothing to worry about. You should definitely express how concerned you are about this to the doctor even so.

In the meantime before your appointment, try not to feel them as it could make them more irritated/enlarged I've heard, and it will also make you more anxious which won't help at all!

Hugs and best wishes. Good luck with your appointment next week xx

I'm glad i'm not alone! I have had many issues with my health anxiety and thinking the worst over the past few months but I've never actually been to the doctor about them. Next week's appointment will be my first in ages! I'm really nervous in case it's something bad because I'm going on holiday a few days later and I really hope I can just enjoy it without worrying :weep:

My appointment was originally about the suspected anaemia but now I'll mention the lumps too.

Just wondering, you said yours were more raised on one side but are they all the same size on that side? Because one of mine is a lot bigger and health anxiety is telling me its cancer that is spreading :(

Also, how long have you had yours for? Because I noticed them about one week ago. Sorry for asking questions but it helps to relieve my anxiety a bit!

Good luck with your appointment and hoping its nothing! x

23-06-17, 12:37
I'm glad i'm not alone! I have had many issues with my health anxiety and thinking the worst over the past few months but I've never actually been to the doctor about them. Next week's appointment will be my first in ages! I'm really nervous in case it's something bad because I'm going on holiday a few days later and I really hope I can just enjoy it without worrying :weep:

My appointment was originally about the suspected anaemia but now I'll mention the lumps too.

Just wondering, you said yours were more raised on one side but are they all the same size on that side? Because one of mine is a lot bigger and health anxiety is telling me its cancer that is spreading :(

Also, how long have you had yours for? Because I noticed them about one week ago. Sorry for asking questions but it helps to relieve my anxiety a bit!

Good luck with your appointment and hoping its nothing! x


No need to apologise for the questions :)

Mine aren't all the same size at all. I have one or two that are quite a bit bigger than the others. Honestly, mine have been there for ages. I first thought I maybe felt something small a year ago, but I'm not sure as I didn't check properly because I wasn't dealing with HA at the time.

They've definitely been there at least a month now though, and I've not been to the doc yet as it makes me so anxious I avoid it which is pretty silly! I thought they seemed to be going down at one point but now one or two seem bigger but maybe I'm imagining it

I hope the doc will be able to reassure you and that it turns out to be nothing so you won't be worrying on your holiday! Anxiety can be so draining so I hope you're able to relax and enjoy yourself :) xxx