View Full Version : Is it this bad for anyone else?

21-06-17, 16:58
So I've had back pain on and off since I was a senior in high school, I'm 26 now. I used to think it was maybe a pinched nerve or something minor like that. But for the last year or so it has gotten substantially worse. My entire back aches. Lower, middle, and upper. Pretty much daily. I had a clear chest xray about a month ago. I did have an epidural in 2011 with the birth of my daughter, and I do have pretty terrible posture. Could those things cause pain like this?

Im not really worried about it being the big C because it has been going on for years. But it HAS to be something. GP says its muscular but im not sure bc of the length of time. Going to try to get a chiropractor referral asap.

Anyone else in my shoes?

21-06-17, 17:29
Ive had back issues for many years and finding out what is the cause of it is very difficult to do unless you see a specialist.
From my experience ive come to the conclusion that poor posture which creates muscle imbalances and muscle weakness is probably the main cause for back problems but I have also found that hip/pelvis misalignment can cause havoc too but like I said it could be any of those due to the kinetic chain they all pull and push on each other. So seeing a professional is Definately the way to go

22-06-17, 00:09
Thank you for your reply!

As I said, I do have pretty bad posture. And I have never been to a specialist to have my back cracked/aligned.

I agree I think the chiropractor is my best option ��