View Full Version : offered a chance to relocate...but scared to do so

21-06-17, 22:41
I have posted on this board a few times about my bouts with intrusive thoughts and anxiety. I was just offered by my job a chance to relocate to Houston Texas again and they will help me with finding an apartment and everything. I currently stay with my parents and have been since 2015 with my daughter and it hasn't been the best thing for me. But now I am scared shitless about leaving even though where I am now isn't good for me.

I am afraid of leaving because it will just be me and my child and with my mental health I am afraid of losing control or having a nervous breakdown and no one is around to help me. I have lived on my own and moved out of state before twice but this last bout with GAD and intrusive thoughts has been the worst. I have been having bad side effects with ADs so right now I have Klonopin but I don't take it. I am seeing a counselor here and even she wants me to move out but I wasn't't prepared to move out of state just yet. My job already sent me money to help me move but I am crying because Im so scared of being alone while dealing with all of this.

I feel like I can't move away just yet and my parents house is my safety net.... how can I get my independence back and live my life and raise my child if I am afraid so much??? I don't know what to do?

22-06-17, 07:10
Moving away from a place that has been your safety net is definitely not an easy change in life. I could understand the dilemma you are facing and hope that the suggestions below could be some food for thought.

First, I think you should write a journal where you write about your thoughts and feelings. Having these fear and other emotions inside isn't good so you need a place to vent them. What this does is letting you find a way to relieve some of the stress. Do this regularly and you'll find it a simple and non-violent way to vent out your frustrations.

Secondly, I think you need to plan ahead. I know that, when I panic, I cannot think properly. You have already listed a few scenario you fear might go wrong. I suggest getting a notebook where you write down how you could deal with the situation. Write down phone numbers or places you can go for help. Basically, planning ahead and have some sort of "cheat sheet" helps you get the situation more under control.

Finally, I think you should take this a step at a time. Looking at the big picture can be daunting so maybe it's best you make these schedules of day by day. On day 1, you want to do this. On day 2, you want to do that and so on. Essentially, get into a routine that feels manageable so you can more smoothly transition into your new life. It's terrifying but a little order can go a long way.

I hope these help and I'm happy to chat if you have anymore questions. I wish you best of luck and hopefully this is the change you need to be on course to a much brighter future! :)

22-06-17, 15:43
thank you for responding. I am so scared of leaving again but I know I can't lay in the bed and watch y life go by because I am afraid

22-06-17, 18:22
It's fine to be scared since it's a pretty natural reaction to such changes.

Another thing that could help is try focusing on the positives of this relocation. I'm sure there are lots of benefits from this relocation and those should help distract you from your fear until you're settled down. Remember to take this a step at a time and you'll find it more manageable! :)