View Full Version : Quick question for those with kids!

22-06-17, 00:25
So my daughter just got over a 2 week long viral infection in her throat. While she was sick I noticed two nodes side by side on her neck. Now I know this is probably due to the infection. I wont say it didn't mess with my HA and turn me into a total worry wart, thats what moms do, right? Lol

My question is this.. she's been well for about 2 weeks now but I can still feel them. Anyone else been in my shoes? How long do they usually take to go down? Im guessing its nothing sinister as she had blood work done about 6 months ago and everything was normal. Just would like to know how long those little pests will be there :roflmao:

She is 6 by the way.

22-06-17, 00:35
Not sure on a 6 year old, but my swollen lymph nodes took about 5-6 weeks to go down after an ear infection...

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22-06-17, 17:58
Thanks for replying! I will just keep an eye on them and bring her to a gp if they dont go down in a few weeks. Like I said she had blood work done a few months back so that does ease my mind a bit :)

22-06-17, 20:53
Swollen lymph nodes can definitely take a few weeks to go down.