View Full Version : Why do my left ribs stick out further than the right ribs

22-06-17, 03:20
I assure you this is not concerning me, but it just has my curiosity, and since you guys are the only other people I talk to I figured I'd ask.

So my left ribs stick out further than the right ribs, my right ribs feel smooth contacting to the breast bone or sternum, but the left ribs stick out from the sternum a little and this goes all the way up to the 1st rib that sits right below the collar bone which also sticks out more than the right rib, I actually mistaked this rib for a lump lol.

My lower ribs also pop when I move a certain way, cough or laugh, my sternum pops also when I stretch sometimes.

Anyways I have an appointment on the 27th is this worth bringing up to my doctor or is it just normal bodily structure some people have?

22-06-17, 04:02
Most likely because we are asymmetrical beings.
I have the same question about my boobs. :-)

22-06-17, 04:50
Most likely because we are asymmetrical beings.
I have the same question about my boobs. :-)

I do as well and I shouldn't even have boobs!!! :biggrin:

---------- Post added at 04:50 ---------- Previous post was at 04:46 ----------

Musculature is never the same on either side. It grows from how we use it and so there will always be left hand & right hand differences. Bodybuilders spend years trying to improve their symmetry, you will see them talking about it loads, so that should tell us underneath the flab it might not look how we think.

If it was a skeletal thing, I would think a doctor would have picked up on that long ago or at birth.

22-06-17, 12:43
I assure you this is not concerning me.....is this worth bringing up to my doctor or is it just normal bodily structure some people have?

It actually IS concerning to you as you're asking if you should bring it up with your doctor. And btw... we're asymmetrical by nature.

Legend, I commend you for your efforts. Its apparent that you're fighting back against the dragon. Some of your recent posts are positive yet you discount them by contradicting yourself. It's apparent you're still mired deep. IMO, the main thing you should ask your doctor about is that referral for therapy.

Positive thoughts

22-06-17, 13:39
I've actually heard everyone's left ribcage sticks out more because of where our hearts are located.

22-06-17, 13:55
My right stick out more than my left - i went to the drs and they said everything felt ok - guess we're all different :)

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23-06-17, 03:15
Fish I know I am still deep in my anxiety, I don't mean to contradict anything, but I try to find the positive in the negatives.

The interesting thing about HA is how it changes our perception with how we see things, for example my right bicep has a very blue vein running down it more blue than the right side, and as much as I've read about veins there's nothing I've ever read that says that visible blue veins could mean anything serious, but I continue to stare at it and kinda worry a little. I also have visible blue veins on my chest as well that I also check constantly.

As for seeing the therapist, I have a doctors appointment on the 27th and I will be getting him to refer me to a therapist..

I will update you guys as I go through the therapy.

23-06-17, 05:12
Fish I know I am still deep in my anxiety, I don't mean to contradict anything, but I try to find the positive in the negatives.

The interesting thing about HA is how it changes our perception with how we see things, for example my right bicep has a very blue vein running down it more blue than the right side, and as much as I've read about veins there's nothing I've ever read that says that visible blue veins could mean anything serious, but I continue to stare at it and kinda worry a little. I also have visible blue veins on my chest as well that I also check constantly.

As for seeing the therapist, I have a doctors appointment on the 27th and I will be getting him to refer me to a therapist..

I will update you guys as I go through the therapy.

That could be because of the bicep & triceps muscles. Build one up and the vein can be pushed. If it's your dominant arm, it's likely you have more muscle there. And the less fat, the more it will be tighter to the skin. It can be a difference in shape between the biceps on each arm.

You will see people discussing that on bodybuilding forums.

Learning to understand Cognitive Distortions is important as that explains the negative thinking involved in skewing our perceptions.

23-06-17, 11:14
I have the same. For me, I favour a side of my body through posture, and it's simply my muscles compensating. I'm trying to spread my weight evenly and improve my posture now, not because it's dangerous but for my own comfort :)

24-06-17, 18:52
I also noticed my left ribs stick out more than my right ribs. My doctor actually took chest xrays of my lungs and ribs just to make sure it wasn't a tumor like I thought :wacko:

Radiologist says everything looks fine so don't worry there's a lot of HA sufferers who fear the almighty ribs XD It's more than likely your body being it's asymetrical self :)

24-06-17, 22:39
floating rib?

13-02-18, 02:42
I know I have a slight sign of scoliosis. My doctor said it should not effect me too much

13-02-18, 15:23
My ribs are also not symmetrical, and I always assumed it was due to my scoliosis. For me, the right side seem more prominent than the left.

14-02-18, 13:32
My left sticks out more and I'm soooo obsessed with it...I'm always touching it... I also have bigger left boob and highter left shoulder...I can feel every single asymmetry as I walk...no kidding! I though I had some brain demage or something that would explain those feelings...but I only have somatic dysorder :) Guess I'm weird this way...