View Full Version : I really thought I was doing better

22-06-17, 17:57
I'm so upset right now. I really felt like I was getting a handle on my anxiety and as a result felt a decrease in my twitches (hardly noticed any at all yesterday!) Then today I woke up and now have a new twitching spot in my right hand that isn't stopping :( The twitches in my calves are back too. I'm so disappointed because I really thought I was getting better and now I feel super anxious again and don't understand why my body is behaving this way. I feel like crying because I have been trying so hard to get better and now I feel like I'm regressing into my MND tailspin again. I am leaving today for a 10
Day vacation and I just want to enjoy myself and not be stricken with anxiety the whole time :(

22-06-17, 18:02
Sorry you're having a rough time! Im notorious for the same thing. I'll have a week or two of feeling good thrn the smallest thing sets me off and its back to square one.

Have you seen your gp about the twitches and your anxiety?

22-06-17, 18:05
Yes and I'm being treated for my anxiety and I really thought I was doing better until today when I got a new "hot spot" twitching area in my hand. I'm hoping it goes away soon so I can move on. I also have been referred to a neurologist that I'm seeing on July 19th. I tried to get in before I left but there was no availability. I also am in therapy and started Lexapro for anxiety.

22-06-17, 18:53
It's not uncommon to have a blip now and again. The difference is now you should have some tools under your belt from therapy to help nip it in the bud. Just know that it happens and it's not like you're taking ten steps back.

Positive thoughts