View Full Version : Was this a panic attack?

fed up with it
10-05-07, 20:09
I was going back to the vets to pick our yorkie up after getting her spayed, and we had left after eating and i also feel faint/funny after a main meal! no idea why? but on the way i felt a horrible drugged tired feeling, then i got a burning feeling through my arms chest, i felt like i wanted to cry as i felt awful but i could'nt have if my life depended on it! then i got this feeling like i wanted to get out of the car and run or despair, my pulse was flying i felt very strange like if that feeling did'nt go i could'nt have coped for very long, then after i collected her and was coming back it subsided, what was that, was it a panic attack!!!!!!!!!!!! or something else???

10-05-07, 20:20

Sounds like a rush of adrenaline (panic). Possibly having the meal then running around sorting stuff out may have triggered you.

But it subsided which is good (and you had dealt with the task at hand).

I can get panicky after eating then rushing around after. Infact, I tend not to each much during the day (fruit and a snack bar) because eating a main meal gives me anxiety especially if I have a busy day.



10-05-07, 20:54
Yep a panic attack exactly!

There are many forms, like sometimes Ill get this really uncomfortable feeling and my hands will start tingling as if im sitting on a nerve on both arms and others its full on panic and uncontrollable adrenaline!

10-05-07, 21:21
Definitely .. 100 percent pure panic.. I have experienced these complete first hand.Its almost easier to handle a panic attack after knowing exactly what it was.. but the subtle ones are the ones that scare me ..not knowing if you are panicing or you are actually ill.. but yes definitely.. it was