View Full Version : Nodular melanoma

22-06-17, 21:27
Hi! I am a new member to this forum! Earlier this year I developed a little black freckle that I didn't think much of until it kept growing. I went to the doctor and he started to scrape it off and got most of it off. He said he didn't think it was melanoma because it wasn't bleeding coming off. He didn't send it in to biopsy or take the whole thing off and thought it was just dried blood under the skin. Over the last two weeks it has gotten bigger and I think it is nodular melanoma because it looks just like it and is acting like it. I'm so scared, I can't have a good day because of it :scared15:

22-06-17, 21:41
Unfortunately, no one can tell you in this medium. You're doctor wasn't concerned nor should you be IMO. That being said, I rarely see sufferers taking that as the gospel so if you're that concerned, seek a out of pocket 2nd opinion.

Positive thoughts

22-06-17, 21:50
If it's growing back, you should go back. I would want a biopsy in that case.

22-06-17, 22:16
If it's growing back, you should go back. I would want a biopsy in that case.

I understand your trepidation on skin anomalies based on your experience NervUs but a biopsy is up to the discretion of the doctor. and projecting those fears and experience will only serve to ramp up the OPs anxiety. I believe, if the OP is genuinely that concerned, a 2nd opinion at a dermatologist would be prudent. Let the doctor diagnose and make the decision to do further testing.

Positive thoughts

22-06-17, 22:21
I understand your trepidation on skin anomalies based on your experience NervUs but a biopsy is up to the discretion of the doctor. and projecting those fears and experience will only serve to ramp up the OPs anxiety. I believe, if the OP is genuinely that concerned, a 2nd opinion at a dermatologist would be prudent. Let the doctor diagnose and make the decision to do further testing.

Positive thoughts

Yeah, you're right. Showing constraint on biopsies is always a good thing. I would still want one, lol

22-06-17, 23:06
Nodular melanoma annoys the hell out of me. It's a melanoma that breaks all the rules.

Remember E-F-G. Elevated/firm/growing.

also remember that scar tissue can grow back as an 'elevated' bump and it is very common. hypertrophic scar. I have one from one of my biopsies. Two years later and it's still a little raised and pink.

But definitely go in and see someone if you are concerned.

23-06-17, 08:20
Do you mean he thought the whole thing was dried blood and not a freckle?
I had 2 like this a few months and scratched them off. They did bleed that's why I assumed they were blood blistery things.

23-06-17, 14:26
I had something that looked and acted exactly like nodular melanoma. The doctor was worried even, which scared the hell out of me. It came back benign, and unexplainable, honestly.

Go back and get a more aggressive biopsy. My doctor was not wasting any time and did a WLE right away.

Remember, our skin does some weird, WEIRD stuff.

23-06-17, 17:07
Didn't you post multiple threads about it at the time? I seem to remember them well.

23-06-17, 19:14
After a HUGE scare several years ago, I promised myself if I ever have any cncern about anything on my skin, it's right to the dermatologist.

Please just go back to your dr, it's changed and that wareents an evaluation.

27-06-17, 14:16
I went to a dermatologist and they said it was nothing. Like somee dried blood blister or something (just like the doctor). I really just am having s hard time believing them and it's making me so stressed!! I know it's my GA telling me I'm not ok but it's making me crazy!

27-06-17, 22:23
When it comes to skin things, I would definitely listen to the dermatologist. If they said it's the same thing your doctor said, then good chance that's what it is. Just keep an eye on it.

27-06-17, 23:23
Did you ask any questions, like what to expect, will it go away, how long will it take?