View Full Version : (Ladies) Embarrassing cyst...trusting doc

23-06-17, 01:14
Went to doc on Monday afternoon with lump thing on labia - found it after I wore a pad and got irritated...she said it was a sebaceous cyst and to use hot packs. Gave me antibiotics if it starts to hurt. Currently trying to get it to come to a head. I said is this anything to worry about, she said "NO"

Scared. I feel like maybe doc misdiagnosed because I have GAD of course...anyone offer reassurance?


23-06-17, 01:27
I've gotten those before. Just give it time.

23-06-17, 03:29
Ugh, I get those sometimes too. They're annoying and uncomfortable but t will go away in a few days. :)

23-06-17, 05:00
Yeah I've had that, too, in hot months. You'll be okay :)

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23-06-17, 09:07
I have had something similar to you, I was worried out of my mind, the Dr said to me it was a cyst and it will go, guess what? It did.......give it time, cysts are quite common down below for woman

p.s. DONT fiddle with it......they could get bigger and infected......

24-06-17, 00:03
I regularly get them in the hot months. Sitz baths are good and help it go away.

24-06-17, 03:42
I've totally had that before. They can get painful. Sometimes I can get one to pop and other times, not but it ever goes away.

25-06-17, 01:51
Thank you - made me feel a lot better!

25-06-17, 02:58
I have one of these at the moment! Visited the GP terrified of vulval cancer, and she told me it's most probably a Bartholin's cyst and I have now got antibiotics and been advised to bathe in Epsom salts. I asked if it could be anything more sinister (she knows I have HA) and she said a definite no. Trying to stay calm about it and not google lol.

25-06-17, 19:10
Yep. I get those all the time. It's embarrassing but very common for women :D

26-06-17, 00:28
Guys - heads up...after two weeks of basically putting hot packs on it - it started to come to a head and fluid came out (it was GROSS)...it is right - literally - at the entrance to my hoo hah. Stay patient and use warm compresses.