View Full Version : Hallucinations?? Help please!!

23-06-17, 05:19
Okay so I have been doing really well the past five or so months (at least I thought) and I haven't felt the need to post on here for a while, but just now I had a moment that left me absolutely freaked. A few days ago I made some homemade salad dressing and I put it in this green bowl I have and stuck it in my fridge. Later I was doing dishes and came across the green bowl in the sink and I REMEMBER VERY CLEARLY thinking to myself "wow this is dirty already? My husband must have used all the dressing for something." and I washed it.

Just a few minutes ago I was working on dinner and I open the fridge to grab some broccoli and sitting in the spot where I left it is the green bowl full of salad dressing. I freaked out and searched my kitchen but as I thought I just have the one green bowl. I was doing all kinds of anxiety induced tests where I turned the lights down in my kitchen and looked at all of my other bowls and none of them even slightly resemble the green bowl no matter how you look at them. I am freaking out. I am so worried that nothing is real, or I'm hallucinating, or that I was confusing a dream for reality or something. I have not had a panic attack this bad since that bat flew at me almost a year ago and made me think I had rabies.