View Full Version : Panic attack or??

23-06-17, 07:01
I don't know what was the cause of this panic attack? Probably from me staying up late or I drink two bottles of tea? Lol. But this panic attack really scared me. Felt dizzy then start having heart palpitations and the feeling of going crazy. Never had anything like that. Nervous that it might happen again..:( Is it staying up late? Or from the two bottles of tea I drink? Not to mention that I be on my phone late so.

23-06-17, 17:44
I don't know what causes my panic attacks just know they have been everyday fir over a month. My family came to visit and the attacks magnified when they left. I just made an appointment to be evaluated by a psychiatrist but don't know how I will get through the next few days. Also, am I expecting too much from the initial appointment?

23-06-17, 17:56
We can have panic attacks just by worrying about the possibility of a panic attack. I know it's a viscous cycle. The physical symptoms can be beating heart, shallow breathing, it is all different to each one of us. Basically though is when our thoughts trigger our flight or fight instinct. This causes Adrenalin to be dumped into our blood stream. A book called Anxiety & Panic Attacks by Robert Handly explains it the best.

Think of your body as a rain barrel. You fill it up with intrusive thoughts and eventually the barrel will over flow (panic attack).

If you can change your thinking, calm yourself down, you will find that these "attacks" will stop. You can use CBT therapy or medication.

I can't tolerate medication and I can't drink anything caffeinated.

I would recommend staying away from any form of a stimulated drink. Eating healthy, walking in the fresh air and sunshine can help too. I know when I'm tired I don't see the world in the proper way.

23-06-17, 19:11
Thank u for the advice! It really scared me. :( — But I'll make sure to do that and go to sleep at a right time. Once again thanks! But it feel like I was having an seizure or something..

23-06-17, 19:39
The first time I had a full blown panic attack I didn't know what was going on. I was fired from a job that I loved, they accused me of putting my time down wrong. I had made a mistake and had whited it out to correct it. I had other issues going on, dealing with a 13 year old daughter that was out of control, bought a new car, you know, just life. When my boss told me they were letting me go due to my mistake on my time sheet, this was "considered stealing from the company" I went to my car in tears, I was shaking and gasping for breath. My co worker refused to let me drive. I called my other daughter and she called the doctor. Even though I was in an air conditioned car I was sweating. It scared the bee heebie jeebies out of me. I went to the ER, by then I was having chest pains. They told me it was a panic attack. Never had one again and I hope I never do. Panic attacks are scary!

23-06-17, 19:54
It is. But I'm sorry to hear that! Really. <3 — I'm afraid that it might happened again.

25-06-17, 20:39
Sounds like a panic attack to me. Especially the feelings of "going crazy"... I've had those before and they're no fun! Hope you feel better xoxo

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26-06-17, 17:25
Thank you, NoahsMom :D and yes, I'll try to do that. Thank u! And what happens before u have a panic attack?