View Full Version : worried sick about breast cancer

23-06-17, 07:53
i posted here a few months back about a nipple discharge problem i was worried about and today it all came crashing down on me again. while i was straining in the middle of a bm i felt something wet near my nipple and saw a vert tiny line of wetness in my shirt where my nipple was. there's also a small lump underneath the inside of my nipple that i havent been sure about it always being there or having grown suddenly as its been there for a few months since i noticed it, but with the mysterious clear discharge from the same nipple, i can only assume that it's the worst.

what's ironic is that its always that one breast too ( my left ) that has the most of its issues, going from infrequent tenderness that i chalk up to being period related, the lump, and discharge, which i know means that somethings seriously wrong

i want to go to a doctor about this and i hope my mother goes through with her promise of talking to my dad about taking me, but im terrified and trying to hold back tears thinking about how this all lines up with it being a sign of breast cancer. i know im only 17 ( turning 18 soon ) but any rational thought just escapes me as i fear that ive been putting off getting this lump and discharge checked and effectively left something seriously dangerous to progress and grow. every website i turn to about people with similar symptoms turns to breast cancer and i cant do anything but feel more terrified. is there someone who can help put my mind at ease, or who's had something similar, or do something to tell me that everything will be alright? im running out of hope fast

23-06-17, 15:01
If it's been there a few months without changing or growing at all I don't think it's very likely to be cancerous, especially at your age. It's probably still worth getting it checked out for peace of mind though.

23-06-17, 21:41
At your age, it's extremely unlikely to be BC. It's most likely hormones causing this.

23-06-17, 23:17
i want to think its just hormones but i havent heard of any other people going through something like this at my age. i know im being irrational but its hard to not think the worst when you have a lot of the scariest symptoms

23-06-17, 23:25
i want to think its just hormones but i havent heard of any other people going through something like this at my age. i know im being irrational but its hard to not think the worst when you have a lot of the scariest symptoms

Believe me I understand! I'm going through a breast scare, too. I completely get it. Feel free to PM me if you'd like to chat.

27-06-17, 07:51
im sorry youre going through the same thing as me. health anxiety especially concerning breast cancer is already taxing enough but with that on top it ends up being embarrassing. i tried to stay calm about it for a while and it was working but the discharge thing happened again ( very very little but it happened twice today ) and to make it worse, my mom insists on not telling my dad or going to a doctor for a while

i dont know if my breast hurts from the fact that i obsessed over it so much the first day i noticed the discharge again or because of something even scarier relating to it but its terrifying. i just want to be sure everything will be alright but i cant even have the leisure of running to a doctor