View Full Version : How much more

23-06-17, 11:49
I've recently just started my Prozac took the first one and within a hour I felt spaced out and hollow chest. I'm literally at my wits end I don't feel like I can cope with this any longer I suffer from really bad derealisation and I feel like every day is a nightmare and I feel like I'm in hell. No one seems to understand me not even my new therapist knew what I meant. I just feel like I am dying because Nobody else experiences this hollow chest feeling I feel like I have no air in my body. Please someone say this nightmare will end soon or I am going mad and feel like I need to be locked away for a few days

23-06-17, 12:55
Hi there

Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I also suffer from the hollow feeling in the chest. I suffer from hypnic jerks at night and that feeling always follows them.

Things are bad now, but it'll get better. Prozac (infact all SSRI meds) does take some time to start working and many people find that it makes them worse for the first week or two.

I get times every day where I feel like I can't breathe or that my heart is going to stop. It's been 6 months and i'm still here, so that has to count for something!

23-06-17, 17:11
you dont want to be locked away or you will go mad, there not pretty places mental zoos i call them i have has a taste of what they have to offer and you never forget. You just started Prozac, all meds make you worse before better there is a drug doing battle with your brain i hope it wins but you have a way to go yet :shades:

23-06-17, 17:22
I am sorry you are going through this. I cannot offer much advice on mediation as I chose to stop taking it. I just couldn't deal with the side effects. It did help me over the hurdle of anxiety. You can switch medications and dosages that is your choice you should make with you physician.

I was able to learn how to challenge my thoughts with a great therapist. I still have some down time but nothing compared to what I used to be.

You are not alone. We have all been where you are.

27-06-17, 10:38
Thank you for everyone's reply sorry not been on just been struggling Day 4 off prozac now and still have the hollow feeling in chest I'm trying to fight this derealization but I just want to scream and run back to bed :(!