View Full Version : funny smells

10-05-07, 21:09
does anybody else imagine smells or is it just me?

10-05-07, 21:13
Try this ...

Lack of appetite or taste, a tinny, metallic or ammonia smell or taste

What you feel:

Sometimes you just don’t feel like eating, or the thought of food is unappealing. Or, that even though you are eating, the food has no taste or is unsatisfying.

You have a persistent ‘tinny’, ‘metallic’ or ‘ammonia’ smell in your nose, or you taste it often and it’s not from your food or environment. Often it’s just there, but you can’t figure out why

What causes this:

Similar to the other stomach related symptoms, loss of appetite is a result of an upset stomach due to the sustained increase in digestive action. Loss of taste occurs because taste buds are nerves, and an over stimulated nervous system can send false signals to the brain which means that sometimes we can experience odd, dulled or incorrect sensory perceptions (since our receptive senses are controlled and interpreted by the nervous system). The loss of taste because of this miscommunication or misinterpretation by the over stimulated nervous does occur. This is another example of how we can receive incorrect or inaccurate sensory perceptions because of an over stimulated nervous system.

The only remedy for this symptom is rest so that the nervous system can regain its health.

11-05-07, 10:09
I imagine smells sometimes, but not usually like the ones Nicola describes. Usually it's some kind of cloying, sweet smell. Sometimes I'm definitely imagining it, other times I'm not so sure. I have quite a lot of strange sensory things going on when I'm having an episode; visual disturbances, having trouble deciphering thing I hear etc. I've always assumed the smell thing is part of that.

Daniel S
14-05-07, 02:54
I was convinced I could smell bromine once, despite not knowing anything about it, what it does, where it comes from, or even what it smells like. After an hour or so of panic I deduced what I could smell was acutally chewing gum.

14-05-07, 10:00
I sometimes imagine this kinda musty smell but its purly from my memory. When i was younger i went to a museam called the time walk. And one of the rooms had this unique musty smell.

Thanks Nicola for you describtion. That explains alot. I often wondered why i got a matallic taste in my mouth when i was ill.

14-05-07, 19:36

When I first started suffering panic, I DID NOT, imagin the smell. I found it very very hard to explain.

It was a smell, but not coming from outside, it was at the back of my nose, also it was like a tast, but not on my tounge, it was at the back of my mouth, ohhh very strange and very, very, strong at time's.

I did search high and low for an explanation and the only one I could come up with was it was something to do with the nervas system.

This symptom was very strong when I was acute, now, I may get it slight.

A friend of mine who suffers pa's, health anxiety, phoned me, she said she could tast and smell something. I asked her to stop talking while, I explained where it exactly was, she listend, I talked. If you have never had this, nooo way, you could explain it, but I explained it to here right down to where it was in her mouth and nose. mmmmm very strange.

Anxeity IS very strange and has some strange symptoms, the mind is a very powrfull thing, is'nt it????



14-05-07, 19:56
I was convinced I could smell bromine once, despite not knowing anything about it, what it does, where it comes from, or even what it smells like. After an hour or so of panic I deduced what I could smell was acutally chewing gum.

lol! that definatly cheered me up.

thanks for all your replies, i'm glad to know it has a reason...