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View Full Version : I keep thinking i have testicular cancer

24-06-17, 02:25
Hello, this is my first post here even though i've been browsing for a while.
I hope i can resume what's going on with me but it might be a bit long, i need to talk about this somewhere, thank you if you read it

I'm 27 years old. It all started about 1 month ago, i started having a slight discomfort in my testicles. The discomfort felt even worse during ejaculation so i started to really worry about it.
Eventually i started googling stuff (bad idea i know) and i came to know about testicular cancer and stuff.
I started doing the so aclaimed self checking and couldn't really find anything, but the discomfort was still there.
One day i was again checking and felt a sharp pain in the zone betweet testicles and anus, and it really worried me out. The pain also started to increase in my testicles and it was spreading through my legs.
I finally talked about this with my family and went to doctor.
He couldn't find anything wrong with my testicles, he looked for lumps, swelling, checking if there was maybe a torsion. Nothing wrong. He also looked for a hernia in my groin zone, couldn't find anything as well.
So i told him about something that's been in my mind:
I'm a very inactive guy. I spent most of my days sitting in front of a computer, i even work from home sometimes so i don't do anything but sit. And to make it all worse, lately my posture had been awful. I crossed my legs a LOT thanks to a new desktop setup that's anything but optimal, i got a new chair because old one broke, and i really couldn't help but keep crossing my legs. Not to talk about pelvic and back posture that were anything but good.
So doctor guessed it had to be a muscular problem and nothing urgent.
He gave me pain killers and recommended me to do hot salt baths in my groin and testicle zone to reduce the pain.
And of course to do some excersice.
This was like two weeks ago.
One week after visiting the doc, taking the pain killers and doing the baths, my pain was mostly gone in like two to three days.
But the story sadly doesn't end there.
Around a week ago i started having abdominal and back pain. I believe this is due to trying so hard to fix my posture, but my mind won't believe that.
I once again think this abdominal pain comes from testicular cancer, even though i didn't have any changes on my testicles since doctor's check (who didn't even mention the chances of it being cancer).
So i don't know what to do, this is not my first time suffering from health related anxiety.
Like two months ago i worried my family about chest pain and we ended in the hospital again.
I got checked literally everywhere and nothing was found, the pain was gone after leaving the hospital magically...

What do you guys think? Here are my symptoms right now:
-General abdominal pain, but more frequent on the sides. Comes and goes during the whole day, but it's more frequent when sitting.
I can feeling walking sometimes as well.
-Pain just under the rib, mostly on the left side.
-Pelvic pain in the sides, and pain just in the pubes zone (just above the penis). Mostly on the left side.
-General back pain that's slighty getting better since i started doing some strettching.
-The testicle pain is mostly gone but sometimes i have a slight sensation there. Not pain, but if i had to describe it would be like when you have "butterflies" in your stomatch, but in this case down there.
-None of these pains are consistent, they come and go all the time. They are almost never too intense, they rarely go up from 7/10 on a 1/10 scale
and most of the time it's about a 4/10

No swelling nor lumps present, but my mind still believes the worst...
I keep thinking the cancer will keep spreading. It's been really a hell of a month, this anxiety is really ruining my life.

Do you guys think it's all a posture problem? Can actually trying to fix a bad posture produce these pains?
Also i have not changed my lifestyle that much even when doctor told me i should...
I try to walk whenever i can but i do it like two to three times a week and that's it.
The only thing i've been doing more often is stretching for back and abdominal pain.
The back pain is kind of getting better but not the other pains.

If you read all this thing, thank you and i hope you can help me at least a bit, just writting this already feels like i'm trying to do something about it.
I don't want keep worrying my family, i could go to the doctor again and force them to order me an ultrasound, but i keep thinking it will be a waste of time...
Finally sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, i'm new here.

24-06-17, 08:20
The abdominal and back pains could have been set off by you worrying about the testicular problem? Muscle tension is a symptom of anxiety, which can cause all kinds of aches and pains without you realising.

24-06-17, 19:24
That is probably the case, but it's hard to make my brain believe that.
Others anxiety symptoms i had recently are the fact that i keep waking up at random hours during night, too early, and having problems going back to sleep. I also keep clenching my teeth really hard without even realizing i'm doing it.
Probably i'm on a vicious circle of anxiety, stress and pain and i can't get out.