View Full Version : Family gave me anxiety by stealing?

24-06-17, 05:35
I need to know how to calm the mind when in a pattern of worry based on past experiences.

My family since I was very young has been stealing from me. My mom has stole hundreds from me, my siblings as well. At some point they also stole my underwear and wore them. They steal wash clothes and towels I've used already, razors, clothes, and the worst one is when they steal my things and sell them for money!

Needless to say I am a very worrisome person because of this. Every time I lose something I think it's been stolen and I will never see it again. Especially money, because there's no real way to prove someone stole your money if they spend it. I live my life constantly on edge in my household. If someone goes near my door I'm scared they'll go in my room and either steal something or snoop around. I can't even leave my purse out of sight when I go to sleep, or I wake up and my money is gone.

I feel like it's starting to obviously affect my other non-familial relationships. I'm afraid someone is always going to do me wrong, and if something goes missing when I'm with my friends I constantly think one of them had to have taken it because of the abnormal amount of times I've been stolen from by my own blood.

This is causing me such stress, sadness and anxiety. I can't even leave things around the house at all for fear they will be gone when I wake up and nobody will believe that it was stolen. When I try to confront my mom or sister they say it's my fault and that I'm insane, which makes me feel like I should just be silent for fear of people thinking I'm crazy.

I just want to know how to handle this in a way that could lessen my anxiety when people go near my stuff. I don't want to believe they're thinking about stealing it, but I do a large amount of the time and it makes me so anxious.