View Full Version : Neck cramp

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10-05-07, 22:42
anybody else get it when there tense or anxious?


10-05-07, 22:47
Hi Stu

This is from the symptoms page it may help

Muscles, muscle tension, stiffness, muscle twitching, tight scalp or neck

What you feel:

You feel like your muscles are always tight or strained, sometimes to the point of frequent pain, or even persistent and ongoing pain. Some may also find the pain so restricting and debilitating that it prevents physical activity, and sometimes to the point of becoming bed ridden. It's also common to experience pain or cramps in any of the body's muscles.

A particular joint in your body feels unusually stiff and sore, or hard to move. It may even feel arthritic. Sometimes you feel you may be ‘seizing up’.

For no apparent reason, a particular muscle will begin to twitch. This twitching will continue for an unusual amount of time before it stops of its own accord. Sometimes it twitches so long it becomes sore, and may continue on and off for days.

You may feel that your scalp is sore, has shooting pains, or that the back of your neck and head are very tense. Even though there is no apparent reason for this, they continue to.

What causes this:

Stress biology causes muscles to contract (tighten) so that the body is more resilient to an attack. The higher the stress biology, the more tense the muscles will be. Some people experience mild tenseness while others may experience great pain, sometimes to the point of immobility. Others experience uncontrollable muscle twitching. It can be one particular muscle over and over again, or it can be a wide variety of muscles. Sometimes the twitching can last for days.

Regular exercise helps to keep tight muscles relaxed. Some find relief through massage therapy or warm baths.

As with all symptoms, when the nervous system gets sufficient rest, this symptom will diminish and eventually subside.

tense muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3766)

Everything aches - what can I do (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1575)

10-05-07, 23:10
Yeah woke up with one this morning and have them off and on..its called tension..Just try to relax a little and it will go away..There are many things on the market that cost little of nothing that messages these areas..I need one but have been to lazy to get one or too cheap.Take care you are ok.. look into one of those neck messsagers and it will help. Michael

11-05-07, 03:10
Yep, get stiff neck muscles all the time, often leads to pain in the back of my head, also spreads down into my shoulders sometimes. Lying flat to relax helps, so do gentle movements.

23-09-07, 20:59

I get Neck tightness but more noticible down the front of the neck. Seems wierd it feels as if some one is pulling the skin on the front of the neck. It also sometimes effects my cheeks the feeling you get just before being sick. Anyone else had these symptoms. I thought it was something to do with my Heart / Circulation and my mind added it to the symptom of light headedness and tightness in the chest.
