View Full Version : hayfever

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10-05-07, 22:46
does hayfever mess with your meds. As in takin meds for anxiety, but there not working because hayfever is making u feel off.


10-05-07, 23:16
Hayfever itself is enough to mess with you ..It causes dry watery eyes .. it makes you feel dizzy and disoriented and also causes your eyes not to focus correctly ,also odd headaches and uncordinated physical actions.. It also makes you feel as though you are in never never land .

I doubt seriously its messing with your meds.. its just messing with you .By the way it also causes your sinuses to go nuts and gives you pressure behind your eyes and in your ears and jaws..So well what can you do?I should know I live right in the middle of hayfever central.

I live in the middle of the plains and all kinds of sage brush blooming and dirt roads that bring pollen right into you house.. also we actually have hay and grain for the animals and well those are just the minor things..You will be fine..just grin and bear it and talk to you dr about which allergy med is best for you with the other meds you are taking ..

Even a pharmisist could tell you what to take and not take.. with the meds you are taking and be sure and tell them if you have heart issues or anything else..They can tell you whats best .. Good luck..