View Full Version : Hi I'm back x read with caution death mentioned

24-06-17, 19:33
Hi all old and new I was on here quite a few years ago due to anxiety and this site helped me so much to over come my problems I'm sorry to find my self back here so where do I start
I was pregnant with my 5th baby and I was due September this year but my baby came on the 13th may via emcs he lived for 10 beautiful days the sweetest tiny angel boy he fought to be here every second of those 10 days since Aceys passing I've got this fear of bleeding to death after his birth I've been to MAU at the hospital he was born at every day this week I even called an ambulance today because this Heath anxiety took over I'm seriously on my knees it seems my grief has manifested on my health anxiety
Sorry for rambling
Lotsa loves lovelies
Em x

24-06-17, 19:36
Bless you xxxx

24-06-17, 19:38
Hiya embee86 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

24-06-17, 23:33
Hi Em, I'm very sorry to hear about you losing your angel boy after seeing him fight to stay with you for those 10 days, I cant imagine how traumatic that must be. Having experienced HA before, you know deep down it can be dealt with and beaten, so maybe that knowledge itself could be helpful somehow. I know it doesnt help in the moments of severe anxiety now, but perhaps there were lessons you learned then that were helpful to you that you can remember and try to re-use now. I hope you can find the help and support you need from your family, friends and the good people here.
Best wishes, Pik.

25-06-17, 00:30
Hi Em,

I'm sorry to hear the loss of your baby. No mother should need to go through that. I hope you find the answers here as loss of someone close is never easy.

Stay strong and know that people on this forum are here whenever you need them.

25-06-17, 10:04
Thanks all for condolences I'm hoping to beat this awful anxiety I'm now back on citalopram 20 mg hoping they kick in soon xx

25-06-17, 16:29
I'm so sorry to hear you have lost your baby. What a terrible ordeal to go through. :hugs:

Something so intensely painful is bound to unbalance your emotions so much and tempt anxiety to come through. Perhaps this also means that as you come to terms with this grief, the anxiety will start to fade? It's bound to be a hard journey but that's perhaps something to hold into and not berate yourself over as you are going through some very hard emotions right now and nothing must feel normal?

I wish you all the best with this and hope you get access to any grief counselling you may need. For your little baby :flowers: