View Full Version : Porn Problem (Depression/Guilt From What Ive Seen)

24-06-17, 20:03

Hi everyone!

I can start of by saying that im 22 years old and been watching porn since i was 16 (kinda late i know). Havent really had any girlfriend and anything that in my life either.

When i started watching porn i did like many other kids, checking out some basic stuff from pornhub or magazines. Nothing special so to say. As the years started to pass, i got more and more into other kinds of porn. Have prbly almost seen every genre possible within the pornhub genres anyway ( seen, not that i got hooked on all ive seen).
But one genre ive looked at for the past 2 years is hentai/3d animated/cartoon porn.It wasnt untill January this year that ive listent to the radio where they said the police had found IP's to over 20 000 pedophiles downloading CP regurly.

I dont know why but my mind just directly reacted and told me ("what if you're a pedophile?"). I quickly tried to not think about the ide since ive NEVER had feeling like that. But the thought quickly grew more and more intense and i started analysing it more and more. Then i realised that ive actually encontered something called lolicon(or loli) which is like cartooned/animated porn with child like figures that usually is very sexually written. My mind started panicking. I never saw that much of it because it usually ended up in videos that was more of a music video hentai kinda thing. But because of it , i usually didnt care that much and just watched those clips to the end anyway. So i never really looked for that kind of content so to speak But that doesnt really matter for my mind because i also realised that its illegal in many countries and is classified as bad as real CP. I feel like a monster/freak atm. Cant watch my parents in the eyes, Dont wanna hang around friends because i feel like i dont belong now. My thoughts on real CP is that it is horrible and i have NEVER watched it and NEVER would. Ive tried battling with these thoughts thinking, Well its just cartoons and ill never watch them again. But at the same time i feel like i can never say that im against CP, because then i would feel like a hypocrite because the law says that its the same. My mind is just a big fking mess...
I dont wanna blame anyone, but all ive seen is mostly from pornhub, shouldnt they have censored/deleted those videos? Some of them had been up for like a year and with all from 100k-1mil views...

Now 6 months of my life has gone by, and sometimes the thoughts are not as intrusive, sometimes they are really bad.

How do i keep on with my life ? I feel like a monster in the enviroment of my friends and family, and just feel the need to isolate myself.

I actually came across a thread from @whoevenami that was exactly how everything happend to me, exept he is younger if you wanna read a faster version, sry for long text, i just dont know who to turn to. Feels like im so alone atm.

24-06-17, 21:45
I would recommend seeking professional help. You have spent 6 months with intrusive thoughts. Medication and therapy are the only two options you have. Or you can keep worrying and post here.

Barry boy
25-06-17, 10:10
Hi wiggi, I don't know what hentai/3d animated porn is I've never seen it. Being as it's some kind of cartoon porn I wouldn't worry to much.
I'm just glad I never grew up with all this internet stuff, I think you younger generations are exposed to far to much crap on the internet, It really is enough to screw up anyone's mind.

You say you have friends, so you have some kind of social life. Maybe might be a good idea to improve your social life by finding a girlfriend? Why not use the internet for meeting people/dating?

Sounds like your worrying over nothing, your just one of millions searching and looking at porn on the internet.

25-06-17, 10:22
it really is enough to screw up anyone's mind.

Agree with you it's just another tool for mind control, used by powers that be to turn young guys into mindless zombies.

25-06-17, 12:09
Hi wiggi, I don't know what hentai/3d animated porn is I've never seen it. Being as it's some kind of cartoon porn I wouldn't worry to much.
I'm just glad I never grew up with all this internet stuff, I think you younger generations are exposed to far to much crap on the internet, It really is enough to screw up anyone's mind.

You say you have friends, so you have some kind of social life. Maybe might be a good idea to improve your social life by finding a girlfriend? Why not use the internet for meeting people/dating?

Sounds like your worrying over nothing, your just one of millions searching and looking at porn on the internet.

Hi barryboy!

Thanks for you answer, i appreciate all help i can get.
Yeh i guess that true, ive been looking over the last year for some girl to hookup with. So far i havent found any in my taste.
Atm its really hard for me to motivate myself to found soomeone because, as i said, i feel so bad about fapping to that material. All comes down to that im just so guilty, that im afraid that if people would know i would forever be seen as a bad person in the eyes of the public.

And you probably right, a cartoon is a cartoon, and i wouldnt really say that anime figures resamble human "that" much...But i guess i just have to work on letting this go somehow, just really dont wanna do meds because that scares me alot.

---------- Post added at 11:09 ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 ----------

Agree with you it's just another tool for mind control, used by powers that be to turn young guys into mindless zombies.

So if your friend would come up and say the same thing ive just wrote to you, how would you react? You dont need to answer ofcourse, but i think that is my biggest fear, that i would be seen pedo forever or something...Damn this combo with my OCD is really rough..so sorry if im being annoying :unsure:

25-06-17, 13:28
Yeh i guess that true, ive been looking over the last year for some girl to hookup with. So far i havent found any in my taste.
Atm its really hard for me to motivate myself to found soomeone because, as i said, i feel so bad about fapping to that material.

I would say it's good that you're trying to look for a gf but you say you haven't found any to your taste so maybe lower your standards a little bit, anything's better than fapping to porn.

Barry boy
25-06-17, 13:38
Agree with you it's just another tool for mind control, used by powers that be to turn young guys into mindless zombies.

Yeah I agree it's pretty scary really. Forums like this are good, but I don't agree wit has all this social media like Facebook. I suppose it can be used positively like contacting long lost friends etc.

---------- Post added at 13:38 ---------- Previous post was at 13:32 ----------

Hi wiggi, what do you mean by "looking for girl to hookup with" are you just looking for sex?

25-06-17, 13:45
Yeah I agree it's pretty scary really. Forums like this are good, but I don't agree wit has all this social media like Facebook. I suppose it can be used positively like contacting long lost friends etc.[COLOR="blue"]

I was actually talking about porn in particular but i agree with you there's a lot of helpful stuff on the internet as well. Like you i also don't have time for social media especially Facebook, i mean would you trust this guy with your personal data.


25-06-17, 13:52
Yeah I agree it's pretty scary really. Forums like this are good, but I don't agree wit has all this social media like Facebook. I suppose it can be used positively like contacting long lost friends etc.

---------- Post added at 13:38 ---------- Previous post was at 13:32 ----------

Hi wiggi, what do you mean by "looking for girl to hookup with" are you just looking for sex?

Maybe that came out wrong, no im looking more for a relationship rather then just a hookup, but as i said, my mind is keep telling me that im trash and and so because what i watched before, so i dont really find it easy atm

Barry boy
25-06-17, 14:11
Your not trash mate for looking at cartoon porn. I work for a big company near London UK. A very male dominated environment, some of the porn I've been shown is shocking and illegal (no child stuff) it takes a lot to shock me, but some of it has. I'm guessing you're being really hard on yourself here. Keep trying with the dating, hopefully you'll find someone tasty :D

25-06-17, 14:27
Your not trash mate for looking at cartoon porn. I work for a big company near London UK. A very male dominated environment, some of the porn I've been shown is shocking and illegal (no child stuff) it takes a lot to shock me, but some of it has. I'm guessing you're being really hard on yourself here. Keep trying with the dating, hopefully you'll find someone tasty :D

Yeh the thing is that im so confused atm. I dont know if im overthinking the whole thing to much and putting blame when there is no reason to do so. But on the other hand i feel that if i dont do it, im being ignorant and lying to myself in some way. I think the whole thing just taken a big toll on me since i realised that that kind of content could be illegal/depicts anime children/figures...which makes my brain go haywire because those morals are so far away from me you know?

Well thanks hopefully i will, i think i subconsciously just kept getting to weirder and weirder place with porn, and now when i actually stopped and thought about it all, all the feelings and morals i have just struck me all at the same time, which have made me go into somekind of depression-ish kinda state.

But anyway, i really appreciate you writing your thoughts on it all here, i dont think you realise that it do mean ALOT to me.

Barry boy
25-06-17, 23:10
i dont think you realise that it do mean ALOT to me.

I think I do realise how stressed and upset you are. You're talking about very personal stuff on a public forum, so obviously you must be very upset. You are 22 years old, so still very young. If you work on your dating/social life, you will most probably lose interest in stuff like internet porn. You and the rest of us are bombarded with this in this world today, if anything I think stuff like Internet porn just adds to the day to day problems with every day life.
I wish you luck my friend