View Full Version : Neck pain really bad :(

24-06-17, 20:33
My neck hurts, even though I can move my neck, it goes down to my shoulders and right arm.

I had it for years, don't know why I never told the doctor about it, it was not so noticeable, and with anxiety giving me horrible scares, I wanted to reduce my doctor visits, been there twice in two months this year. I feel embarrassed that I'm always going there.

Now this pain stiffness and feeling like my head is heavy on my neck when looking up makes it worse. Been under a lot of stress this past two months.

It doesn't help having heart palpitations, feeling nervous and feel scared, could I go to the out of hours doctor to have it checked? Or is this not considered an emergency?

To add to my anxiety and depression, I wish I went to get it checked when I first had this pain following a beating back in high school, was someone's punching bag, or when it hurt after falling off a bike many years ago.

I'm scared that I've got arthritis in my neck, all because I was too shy to call for help back then and I regret everything.

There's always something wrong, I feel fed up of it all.😢
I don't know what to do, ignoring pain and numbness is quite hard even if it is anxiety related.