View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer Fear

25-06-17, 03:43
Hey all.

My body has been very off since the end of April and after seeing multiple doctors I've been diagnosed with constipation... Not impressed with this diagnosis as I've experienced constipation before and this is nothing like it.

One night I found blood in my urine. I ran to my husband and curled up into a ball and started shaking in fear. Messaged my doctor and he thought it was possible UTI so I started my natural treatment for that. Over the next few days I started having lower back pain. I thought maybe a kidney infection and went to urgent Care. Nothing showed up on their test but they sent me home with antibiotics anyways and sent urine in for culture (which came back negative). Over the next few days my stomach started feeling like it was on fire. My period was ten days late and when I finally got it it woke me up at night from the pain. I would have tingling type of pain in my upper thighs..

A few days later my doc had me do an ultrasound of kidneys to check for stones and ovaries (on my request). Everything was normal. I was still experiencing burning abdomen, bloating abdomen slight back pain and pelvic pain. Went to ER in a panic. CT scan was normal. All blood work is normal outside of slightly low lymphocytes.

My body is still not back to normal. I am definitely experiencing IBS symptoms and my stool is strangely thin. Burning pelvic pain is still here. Over the last week I started having underarm pain that can shoot into my breast. I've already done the CA125 test for ovarian cancer and it was normal. All I have left is an exploratory laparoscopy, but I'm on the fence. My husband is concerned about the risk of surgery and anesthesia. There are accounts of women who had all normal results as well but once they were cut open they found cancer. I'm only 31 and I have two young boys. I'm not sure what my next steps should be. Waiting it out is killing me. How do I turn off the panic button?? My day to day life is spent on my phone researching cancer. I'll be totally optimistic and then frantically searching for a gynecological oncologist.

28-06-17, 13:15
You could be intolerant to some foods ..have u tried to cut out dairy and wheat? I had an episode of IBS and realised lactose was the cause and im fine now. Just try that...forget this ovarian cancer nonsense ...if you had it the tests would have shown something and you would have a very bloated abdomen full of fluid (i know this because my neighbour died from this disease)