View Full Version : Joint aches - anxiety??

25-06-17, 08:01
I suffer from HA and it mainly sits in the background but I have flares from time to time which are severe and take over. I had a flare a couple of months ago related to a certain cancer I was worried about. I had reflux, burning stomach, aches in my ribs and spine and I was convinced it was terrible. Anyway I had X-rays blood tests and scans which showed nothing and once I had that confirmation all the weeks and months of pain disappeared. Now I am worried about bone cancer as I am obsessed about a bobbly but on a joint and now and my bones are now achy and sore. Part of me thinks I am really ill, but another part says anxiety. It comes and goes, literally for two weeks nothing then a week of pain then nothing again. Does anxiety give joint pain? I am under a lot of stress at work and in home life so thinking anxiety might be cause but maybe I need to visit my gp to check it out.
Hate always living in fear.

25-06-17, 11:32
I've been having a lot of joint aches and just pain all over the past month or so since I've been really struggling with anxiety for months though, sometimes it's so bad I can barely stand cause both of my legs are aching so much, I've mentioned it too a couple of doctors and they all just brushed it off so I think anxiety can cause that yes even though i don't know the logic behind it.

25-06-17, 23:34
Thanks for your reply. I think that anxiety has spiralled out of control again and I am presuming the worst from a probably benign symptom. I know from my last flare that I felt physical pains and was convinced of the worst and wouldn't calm until I had a scan etc ☹️

I have looked at the cancer statistics and seen that it is really rare... only 9 people or my age/sex of whole of uk were diagnosed... out of 2 million I think! Not sure why but statistics seem to help put things into perspective. Nonetheless I will still check it out with a doctor and hope that will calm the "what ifs". I hate HA so much. It comes when I am majorly stressed and I think it is my brain's way of avoiding focussing on the real and stressful issues.

Thanks again x

26-06-17, 04:37
I had some terrible joint and bone aches that started AFTER I convinced myself I had bone cancer. So bad that my fiancé had to rub my joints and I had to take Advil or I wouldn't sleep. Then I moved on to the next thing. The second I stopped thinking about it, they went away:shrug: so YES anxiety can cause this

26-06-17, 06:23
It's funny cos it has only started to hurt since I started worrying! I was worried a couple of weeks ago and my joints ached and then I managed to put it out of my head and no pain! Again I am worrying and again the joints hurt!

26-06-17, 11:15
Went to gp and the bone I am worried about is probably nothing to worry about but having an X-ray to be sure. A little (lot) nervous about it but at least I'll know. Anxiety most likely cause for the joint pains. Have been prescribed beta blockers. Anyone got any experience of these?

26-06-17, 13:20
I personally didn't have great experience with beta blockers (I was taking propanalol) but each to their own. As far as I know beta blockers don't do much with actual anxiety but are supposed to stop physical symptoms like lower heartbeat etc. They didn't help my physical symptoms in my case but this is not to discourage you, you can give them a go maybe it will work for you :)