View Full Version : Could it be oral cancer?

25-06-17, 09:19
This lump under my tongue appeared two weeks ago. First it shrak, then it came back and then it shrank again but two days later it started swelling and now looks like that (see the picture I've added). Yesterday it was a clear blister. No idea what it might be but it's scary. I currently don't have a dental plan so having it checked would be very very costly. I'm not expecting a diagnosis but do you guys think I should be concerned (more than I am already?) :(

25-06-17, 20:11
I would give it some time to go away. It looks like you irritated the sensitive area somehow. If you keep poking at it, it will stay inflamed.
I think it's just irritated skin. Looks like a blister.
Last month, I was obsessing over my mouth and caused an area to be swollen and sensitive bc of my constant poking. I left it alone for a few days, and it is gone.

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25-06-17, 20:30
Thank you, Melonpony! Yes, maybe the best idea would be to give it some time. I read somewhere a blister should heal within 3 weeks, mine has been there for one and a half, so I'll just wait and see.

26-06-17, 02:50
Good idea. I think it will be gone!

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03-07-17, 11:23
Well, that thing got larger again and has been shrinking since Saturday but I'm seeing a mouth surgeon tomorrow. Hope they won't scold me for a couple of bad teeth that I have, and I do hope that growth/whatever is nothing sinister.

03-07-17, 12:51

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

I'm not a doctor but I am I am an OC survivor. What you describe does not present as OC.

Positive thoughts

03-07-17, 14:59
Thank you Fishmanpa! I know that once cancer has started, it won't just come and go. The reason why I'm seeing the doctor is that the lump has now turned into some kind of a whitish wrinkle that is positioned over what would be salivary ducts. It may be thanks to my stupid decision to squeeze it and see if anything would come out (nothing did). I haven't touched it since last Friday, and I'm not going to. Can't wait to see the doctor and find a solution to this very annoying bump.

05-07-17, 14:23
I have one of those, if I scroll through my gallery far enough I see loads of pictures of under my tongue (some people would delete these but not me, oh no [emoji23])

I'm not saying yours is this - it looks more like the bump I've had for years that seems to get bigger if I cough - straining under the tongue maybe? But I've also had saliva stones a few times, and a saliva duct abscess, and you know what the doctor told me for this? "Go away and eat lemons. Sip the juice, the stone will come out."

It did both times I had them, but not before my face swelled up a bit first. (Saliva stones are super common apparently).

In a separate incident I kind of squeezed a lump in my mouth for no good reason and it went all white in that area (back to the docs) just mouth trying to heal itself apparently.

I only mention this because like you I immediately went to worst case scenario when in reality there are lots of pretty benign other conditions that cause all manner of lumps and bumps.


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