View Full Version : Fever for a month now

25-06-17, 16:35
I have had fever (37,1-37,7) for a month now and loss of appetite, nausea (without being sick), dizziness and no energy to do anything.
When it all started I had chest pains went to the ER also where they did ECG that came out clear but when I decided to see another doctor to Exercise ECG then test came back false positive or negative (cant remember) so I am having some further investigations on my heart. (yes, that does give me some anxiety).
But now I have fever, I don't want to eat anything, I have lost nearly 7 pounds (and I am skinny) and I have constant need to drink because my mouth feels dry and I have sour/bitter taste in my mouth constantly.

Why am I writing here ..
Because I have seen my doctor and doctor says that it is all from anxiety. While I would like to disagree because I have been with my anxiety now for 10 years and it never has given me fever nor loss of appetite.
There is no stress in my life right now, I am not working and just enjoying summer (Not at the moment because of my health) .

Has anyone ever had fever because of anxiety for so long?

25-06-17, 16:55
That does sound strange I would go to another doctor for a second opinion...
it might just be your anxiety

25-06-17, 19:47
Mt first guess would be that its an infection. Having a high fever for that long is not exactly normal. It could be anxiety, but thats a weird symptom...especially given the fact that a rise in temperature usually has to do with a direct threat in the system (not always deadly, so not trying to scare you) OR from external heat factors (like your temp goes up when it hot temperatures. I would go back to your doc or get a second opinion, perhaps get some tests done. If its an infection then it should be treated accordingly.

25-06-17, 20:17
I have had blood tests done and they were all clear and I had chest x-ray, also clear.
So basically my blood test is not showing any infection.

25-06-17, 20:32
I have had blood tests done and they were all clear and I had chest x-ray, also clear.
So basically my blood test is not showing any infection.

Well thats good at least. I would still talk to your doctor about your symptoms though...perhaps another doctor who won't just chalk it up to anxiety. Because it seems like you're not happy with your health..and that should always be discussed with a GP. Not only discussed, but resolved. The lack of appetite isn't good...even if it is stress and anxiety related.