View Full Version : Thank you for not judging

10-05-07, 23:54
Hi there,

I'm not really sure what to put. I just need somewhere I can vent my frustrations and my anxieties without burdening anyone like my friends or my family.

I cant do it anymore - I cant be like this 24/7. Theses panics have taken over my life completely :weep:

Comments, replies, etc warmly welcomed...


11-05-07, 00:02
I'm freaking out. A really good friend of mine whose also in councelling wants me to come to hers on the weekend and I dont think I can do it. I dont like going to places I havent been before and dont know my way to. The fact that its in "the middle of nowhere" panics me to death.

I feel like such an IDIOT if I mention this to anyone tho...

11-05-07, 00:20

11-05-07, 01:16
Hi Jess,

I can completly understand how your feeling. I am the same, I find going places I haven't been before or don't know well very daunting. Which often leads me to avoid these places. I am trying my best to bite the bullet and just gradually go new places.

If you ever need a chat feel free to pm me im online quite abit.

Perhaps just give the counselling a go, your friend will be with you so you wont be alone.
I am sure if you do go once your over the initial panic you should feel ok.

Let us know how you get on :)
Laura xxx:flowers:

11-05-07, 04:29
If your friend is in counselling, she should understand how you feel and if she really values your friendship, she will maybe meet you somewhere and take you to her place. Maybe she feels the same way and that's why she wants you to go to hers, she can't cope with going somewhere else. Aren't we a funny bunch. Talk to your friend and see if you can work something out.

21-05-07, 21:00
Ugh, Been really freaked out recently with exams. I get really worked up before I go in that I'll panic for no reason and have to leave. Councelling went ok, tho my tablets are running low and I'm scared the doctor will try and ease me off them when I go for a repeat perscription.

Ps. Thank you so much guys for the support.

22-05-07, 03:52
Congrats on going to counselling! It has been one of the best things for me! I too take meds, and am in the process of weaning off of one of them. It is kinda scary, but I just remind myself that if panic and anxiety were going to harm me it would have done it by now. I've had for as long as I can remember and I'm now 24. I too had the issue with worrying about freaking out in a public place, but just remember. you won't, and you can always go out to the restroom for a breather. You are in control even when you don't feal like it. After all we control the thoughts that make us panic, all we have to do is control those thoughts into not interfearing with our lives. Easier said than done I know. But I'm working on it, and lots of others have had success. Best wishes!

22-05-07, 07:36
Congrats on going to counselling! It has been one of the best things for me! I too take meds, and am in the process of weaning off of one of them. It is kinda scary, but I just remind myself that if panic and anxiety were going to harm me it would have done it by now. I've had for as long as I can remember and I'm now 24. I too had the issue with worrying about freaking out in a public place, but just remember. you won't, and you can always go out to the restroom for a breather. You are in control even when you don't feal like it. After all we control the thoughts that make us panic, all we have to do is control those thoughts into not interfearing with our lives. Easier said than done I know. But I'm working on it, and lots of others have had success. Best wishes!

Thankyou sweetheart!
I'm spose'd to be weaning off my meds now too.
Good luck &take care!

24-05-07, 13:19
Just one word of caution, be careful of weaning off meds if you are not ready. I know when I come off meds I become very ill again, so 'coming of meds' is not for everyone.
The doctor used to keep asking me to wean off them, but when I came off them I became so ill again he said I was better off on them. Think about it if you had another medical problem, say like diabetes, and you had to take insulin to keep you well, would the doctor ask you to wean off that? Probably not. And depression is as much an illness as diabetes.:shades:

24-05-07, 13:39
Just one word of caution, be careful of weaning off meds if you are not ready. I know when I come off meds I become very ill again, so 'coming of meds' is not for everyone.
The doctor used to keep asking me to wean off them, but when I came off them I became so ill again he said I was better off on them. Think about it if you had another medical problem, say like diabetes, and you had to take insulin to keep you well, would the doctor ask you to wean off that? Probably not. And depression is as much an illness as diabetes.:shades:

Thats a good point hun,
I've been on them a year but I panic when I think about coming off them which I figured was a sign that I probably wasnt ready - or maybe I'm just addicted.

29-05-07, 20:36
I've really gone downhill.
I was quite drunk last nite and I got so worked up about my panics that I actually cut myself. I cant believe I would harm myself - its rediculous. I just got so upset about it all I lost it. It really hurts to :weep:

29-05-07, 21:30
Sorry to hear this

Have a hug from me :hugs:

Hope you feel better today.

30-05-07, 00:10
I am so sorry that you had such a hard time!!!

I hope that this 'blip' passes real soon!!!!
If you need someone to talk to don't hesitate to come here for support hun!!
We are all here for ya:hugs:


30-05-07, 07:49
Hi Jess-sorry you are having such a bad time at the moment.Just wanted to send you some hugs.Maybe you could go back to your GP and tell him/her what you are going through?I am having counselling for my panic attacks and although I was cynical to start with it is helping me a lot. Everyone here will be supportive though because we are all going through similar stuff, take care Bubble

05-06-07, 20:29
I feel so much worse now. I'm home from uni and doing a regular job to make money and I'm just so miserable.
I refuse to fall into the dark hole I did before again, it wont solve anything I no.
I told my mam that I'm feeling panicy pretty much everyday. She tries to understand but I know its hard for people whove never had a panic attack before...

08-07-07, 12:32
Feeling a bit better then I was in my last post.
Bit panicy now and then but I walked home from bbsitting last night in the dark really late so I'm quite proud of myself for that :-)

10-07-07, 07:32
I've been reading previous posts from other ppl as well as different threads and the support on this site is unbelievable. I'm so so glad that this site exists. Its really important to me to be able to jot stuff down, even if no one reads it, I just feel less bottled up.
Have an appointment to speak to someone on thursday so hopefully that'll help.
I bought this book from the nomorepanic amazon book shop the other week and I compleatly reccommend it to anyone: Panic Attacks: What They Are, Why They Happen and What You Can Do About Them (Paperback)
by Christine Ingham (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/026-3031089-2622068?%5Fencoding=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books-uk&field-author=Christine%20Ingham) (Author)


18-07-07, 07:37
Really quite proud of myself. Yesterday was the first time in years that I've been on a public bus by myself. It was only a 10min journey but still, I'm getting there!

29-08-07, 21:57
Started driving which is something I never thought I'd be able to do. I get v.tense when I drive into places I dont know with my instructer but I just tell myself that I'm in control. I can turn around any time if I want to.

30-08-07, 09:32
Hey Jess

Just been reading all your thread and i'm sorry to hear of your bad patch

but a very big kudos for doing things on your own, i still have that hurdle but i'll jump it.

I know a dead parrot when i see one and i'm looking at one right now lol

The black knight always triumphs lol

I love monty python

have a good day
