View Full Version : Swollen lymphnodes causing constant worry :(

26-06-17, 05:14
I have 6 swollen lymphnodes on my neck 2 on the left and 4 on the right. Biggest one is 1cm but feels bigger since the ultrasound. (One is even visable). Ive had occasional night sweats as well. I went to my gp and ent 4 months ago and they say it is nothing to worry about. They did an ultrasound, cbc, and a complete metabolic panel. Last night I noticed a groin lymphnode has swollen up a little bigger than a pea and I know for a fact it was not previously there. Im having more night sweats. Most of my lymphnodes are rubbery and don t move. Should I seek a second opinion? Im a 19 year old male.

26-06-17, 20:06
I think you should seek a second opinion, not because i believe you have any illness, but because it's clearly bothering you and needs to be put right.

In my personal opinion, lymph nodes are never completely down, and having HA can make the most benign thing seem like a deadly disease. And I have night sweats all the time, have since I was about 12 years old, and I'm not dead.

I hope you can focus on conquering your HA and perhaps seek another opinion.

PS. When were your last lymph node tests?

26-06-17, 20:46
Are they officially clinically swollen or is that your opinion/perception. I ask because a 1cm node in many cases in not what would be considered clinically swollen. If the doctors aren't concerned, you shouldn't be either. In 4 months time, if they were sinister, they would have increased in size drastically and you would be feeling very ill. I have to assume you've been poking and prodding them to no end which can cause them to enlarge and can become shotty (permanently enlarged).

I'm a head and neck cancer survivor. I know nodes as I had two cancerous (over 5cm) and 23 additional removed from my neck. Nodes vary in size from a few mm to up to 2cm and be considered normal.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

27-06-17, 02:38
I think you should seek a second opinion, not because i believe you have any illness, but because it's clearly bothering you and needs to be put right.

In my personal opinion, lymph nodes are never completely down, and having HA can make the most benign thing seem like a deadly disease. And I have night sweats all the time, have since I was about 12 years old, and I'm not dead.

I hope you can focus on conquering your HA and perhaps seek another opinion.

PS. When were your last lymph node tests?

My last lymphnode test was in march. I am going to book a physical with my gp and see if she thinks I should get a srcond opinion. She understanfs I have health anxiety and always makes a point to let me kbow that even though I have ha she will never overlook anything I am concerned with. I apprciate your response.

---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:31 ----------

Sorry for all the typos. My phone isn't the easiest thing to type on.

04-07-17, 03:25
My 3 year old son just had a huge swollen lymph node on the side of his neck. When I discovered it I went into complete panic mode. His doctor said it's extremely common and only meant his body was working and doing a good job at filtering out a skin infection he had going on. Two weeks of antibiotics and he is good. It was a horrible feeling though, just know these things can be normal.