View Full Version : Worried about mum/mixing up words/brain tumour.

26-06-17, 11:26
I guess the anxiety doesn't just stop with yourself. My mum was speaking today and she meant to say one name and said a completely different one and then she said "I don't know whats wrong with me, I mean one thing but say another lately"

She also has described smelling bad smells a few times. (Idk if thats a symptom but I think that is).

She also went to bed the other day with a really bad headache, but she woke up fine. She does only get a little bit of sleep at night because she is always working so I think the headache could be due to less sinister reasons such as exhaustion.

Her hands fall asleep or get tinly/numb sometimes too but she blames it on her hands being overworked by her work (shes a caterer) and also blames it on old age (she is 56).

I'm starting to really worry about her, is this enough to jump to such sinister conclusions? The health anxiety monster in my head is convicing me she isn't okay and that really scares me.

26-06-17, 12:54
The first thing to ask yourself is, is she concerned? I bet she is putting it down to less scary possibilities because her lack of HA doesn't jump to the worst.

Saying things wrong like that has many possible reasons. Exhaustion, dehydration, poor sleep, etc. We get it. Serotonin plays a role in memory and I've found word recall harder since becoming anxious.

The headache could literally just be a headache. And experiencing the other symptoms could mean they are because of completely different possibilities or perhaps they combine as something like being overworked, stressed, dehydrated, etc.

It's just that HAers notice these things and try to join the dots. .

If you mentioned you were worried about her, which is very reasonable about a loved one, but didn't mention your feared reason I bet she would reassure you by shrugging it off with the normal & harmless reasons for it that a non HAer just thinks by default.