View Full Version : New job - paralysing fear

26-06-17, 11:51
I mentioned before that I'm to start a new job after working for myself for numerous years.

Some days I feel excitement and other days I'm literally paralysed with fear. How do you know if you need to just let something go due to the pain its causing?

26-06-17, 15:12
Well, you won't know how bad it will be (or how good!) until you start and give it some time, unfortunately.

I get awful anxiety whenever I start a new job, and at this point I just realize that things are going to suck for the first few weeks - no way around it. The best thing for me is to figure out how best to mitigate that suckiness - things like bringing my favorite snack for when I need a pick me up, finding the bathroom so I can escape if I need a break, etc.

Congrats on the new job, and I'm sure it will be just fine!!