View Full Version : NOT AGAIN....

26-06-17, 12:52
Hate this feeling - usually my GAD is well managed - but i have a few triggers, and they have all been pulled in the last few weeks.

i struggle to determine what is action needed because its needed, or action needed because my head is catastrophizing.....example below

4 years ago we caught our son out sniffing aerosols. the sheer panic i felt when i discovered this was destabilising. I got over it, but the smell of Lynx still makes me feel sick today. He did the same a year or so later - and again i crashed. we sorted and i thought it was over.

today - i go in his room (he is now 18 so rarely go in there and certainly don't snoop) and find 2 flannels. this is what he was using before. both are hidden - old and obv been washed out and dried before being stuffed to the back of a cupboard.

Now - my logic says they are obv old, and , they don't smell at all - and handwashing would not have removed the stench. ...they were prob there for other 'boys' purposes!!

but BOOM - my head has gone right back to where i was 4 years ago!

soooo - do i confront him about what is probably nothing? or, do i let it go as part of my irrational GAD?

mad this madness!!!