View Full Version : What else can I do?

11-05-07, 06:13
Hi all, it's been a while since my last post. I hope you're all doing well.

I've been avoiding coming to the forum for a while as I think I got too addicted to it. Now though, I'm really running out of ideas, I seem to be getting worse and worse instead of getting better, despite all I've been doing to improve myself.

I walk two miles a day most days, I rarely drink anything but water. I have an ok diet. My doctor just increased my zoloft from 100 MG to 150 MG and I'm taking lorazepam (aka ativan) every morning, and when I have panic attacks. But they won't go away, I've been having all of these nasty shaking fits too. Similar to a seizure, only I'm wide awake, I shake so hard that when it's over I'm drenched in sweat and severely hot.

Today, I was doing ok in the morning, didn't feel really panicky or anything. So I decided I'd go a day without taking the lorazepam, didn't feel I needed it and I've only been on low dose, .5 miligrams.

Then, around 12 in the afternoon, I got up to start cleaning. My room was a mess and so was the kitchen. So I got up and started doing dishes, putting things away, took out a couple garbage bags. As I was doing this, I started to shake uncontrollably, beginning with my legs. I kept telling myself that I wasn't going to let this disorder win, that I was going to clean the house anway, live my life and be successful no matter what this stuff throws at me.

I did all the dishes, got the kitchen clean, then moved on to cleaning my room. Suddenly I started repeating myself a lot and stuttering, "Gotta get the room clean, gotta get the room clean, gotta clean it, g-g-g-got-ta g-get it c-clan" Over and over again. I've never done that before, and it scared me out of my wits.

I did manage to finish cleaning, but once I did the shaking got even worse. I made it to the couch to lie down, and, shaking like mad, yelled for my mother. I took my medication out of my pocket to take a pill but couldn't stop my hands from shaking long enough to take one. After ten minutes or so, she got up and gave me my pill. The shaking eventually began to slow down. But I was so hot, so drenched in sweat that I actually went outside and jumped in the lake, even though it only unfroze a couple days ago.

This day has been awful for me, absolutely terrible. The days before haven't been all that pleasant either. Half the time I go through life feeling like a drone, like I have no real passion or emotion, numb and tired. When I go to sleep at night it feels like my breathing is too shallow or just not right. My heart seems to jump all over the place in my chest at night some times.

But today has been my worst day in months, I called my therapist and he said that it sounded a bit like OCD. I've never had OCD before or severely obsessive behavior, and I'm terrified. I'm scared out of my wits. Please, any help or advice is welcome, and will be greatly appreciated. I'm really unwell right now.

God bless you all


11-05-07, 10:07
god i to would be afraid if i notice i am doing things like getting my wprds mixed up or they dont come out right or my mind seems to be all over he place like if i cant think straight my whole body goes tense i feel shaky yet dont acutaly shake but i go hot as well wich panics me even more i think i am about to spontanlis combust or somthing it scare the hell out of me and as we no its true the more we fight it the worse it is but yr to afraid not to as what if come into say it might be something other than anxiety or panic i to have tried so many things i am how ever a poor eater thats do to the fact i am so anxiuose i feel sick all the time i wish i could tell u how to change but i thought i would let u no yr not alone aye were do u live i was just wondering with u being able to go jump in the lake any way we have to just keep on trying to find what works for us good luck in that i have tried all sougts of things and still fighting feel free to pm me any time u need some one to chat to well guess i to will go and wrestle with myself abit more as the day goes on bye for now chin up u will find one day whats right we have to keep up hope trishxx

12-05-07, 02:45
David - I'm so glad to see you! I don't know if you remember me, but over a month ago you really helped me! You talked with me every day and helped through alot...until my meds started kicking in...and then you disappeared. I was worried, but everyone said you were just having a hard time. I am so sorry. If you remember, I started the Zoloft and ativan combo. Ativan wasn't enough for me....weird, but it actually made me shake in much the same way that you are describing...or at least in my head I thought it did. I told the drs that it wasn't working, so they put me on buspar and klonopin (sp?). Still on the Zoloft too. The klonopin is a miracle drug!!! I took a low dose every morning and every night for the past 2 months. Upon the first dose I fealt better. I really don't think you have OCD. I think you have a tired mind and nervous system. I was having all kinds of strange and scary thoughts as well before I finally told the drs that they had to change my meds...it wasn't working for me. The first dose of klonopin and I was like a new person. I went to wal-mart with my mom...i went out and bought myself some take out. I highly recommend it, if you're dr will consider it. It, like ativan, can be habit forming if taken for a long period of time. I am now weaning off. I take just one pill a day instead of two. Honestly...I had the shaking....I had the strange thoughts and behaviors, and now I'm back to being me (well almostt)...your body is just tired....your mind and nerves need time to recooperate from all they have been through all this time, and a drug like klonopin can help do that...best of all it lasts 12 hours. So you don't have to constantly worry about when its gonna wear off. I know this is getting kind of long, but I really think you are ok. You just need to find the right thing for you. You helped me so much. That week I couldn't even go to work and you chatted with me every day. It meant alot, and I wish the best for you! I still check the site every day...have been for 3 months now...don't worry too much about the site, we all miss having you around. Hope you find this encouraging. Best wishes, and my prayers are with you.

12-05-07, 06:55
Of course I remember you. I'm glad to hear you're doing much better. Yeah, I should definitely talk to my Doctor about getting off of the ativan and maybe trying something else. It might be what's responsible for my shaking and some of my strange thoughts and feelings. I'm not entirely sure, of course, but it couldn't hurt to try something different.

Yes, I have been having a hard time lately, but I've got my good days and bad days, like everyone else. Lately there's just been quite a number of bad days and I've been pretty low.

I am very glad to know I helped you through a rough time, that really means a lot to me, that I can help people despite how messed up I am. Sounds like you're doing really fantastic and I'm happy for you and proud of you. Thanks for the words of encouragement, you put a smile on my face.

God bless you,


12-05-07, 09:21
Dave chap

Sorry you are having such a rough time man. I hope you start to feel better soon.

Take care


P.S. Have you ever had any therapy along with the meds?

12-05-07, 12:04
If it were me I would want a review of medication. I was put on seroxat initially and I went off my head on it. Put on another drug (prozac) and I was fine. If I'd stayed on the seroxat I don't like to think what would have happened. Hope you feel a little better now.


13-05-07, 02:50
Oh yeah...i forgot to tell you...I've been seeing a counselor along with the meds. It has really helped me to understand more about panic and anxiety...just wanted to put that out there...the post above made me think about it....still in my prayers :)