View Full Version : Scared!!! New mole on arm

27-06-17, 03:38
I suffer greatly from health anxiety. I'm usually ok until it kicks into high gear and I find something "new". A couple of days ago I notice a tiny mole on my arm that I don't remember seeing before, this doesn't mean it hasn't been there for a while though. Darn HA makes me see things at times. Anyways, it's not raised, itchy, painful, etc. It's just there and I'm freaking out about it!!! I've read new moles mean melanoma so naturally this makes my HA spin out of control. Please give me your opinions about this!

27-06-17, 19:29
Mole looks fine to me, I had a tiny orange mole appear on my stomach like 2-3 years ago and it had a tiny brown spot in the middle of it, over time the brown spot grew and still had an orange ring around it, fast forward to today and it's the same size as a pencil eraser (probably due to weight gain) but it is perfectly round, squidgy and 1 colour which is a nice tan brown, yes I do freak out over it sometimes with how much it's changed, but I always think when you get a new mole it has change and settle at some point right? But I do have other moles I'm worried about like 1 on my back is 2 colours and irregular, maybe a bit smaller than a pencil eraser, and I hate it cos I can't see if it's changing, I also have a small dark 1 on my shoulder and a darker bigger 1 on my other arm, so ofc I panic thinking about the ugly duckling mole as no others on my arm are that dark BUT I do have other dark moles on my body like my stomach and legs, I have a weird 1 under my boob but my dr and derm both said it's fine and it's just like that due to my breasts maturing (getting bigger) every single blemish and mole I come across I panic on but I try to calm myself down by telling myself I would have noticed major change in my mole which I also think if I was ever diagnosed it would be very early, ofc I still think i have a ticking time bomb mole as I've sunbathed and used sunbeds A LOT, it's hard to calm yourself down esp when you hear of people dying from it but something must have been very noticeable (unless unknown primary which is rare) I saw a girl on YouTube and her mole had changed drastically, like numerous colours, it was raised in parts and was really big, she said it itched and sometimes would bleed, she had it taken off and was stage 2, now you think of how bad hers was and I know I have none like that, none of mine have changed in years, they haven't elevated, they don't itch, bleed or anything. But I do know in some cases it's not always the case and people say I had a little freckle or a little mole and it turned out to be bad but there must have been warning signs, anway I've ranted on just tell yourself melanoma is the rarest of skin cancers and if you are worried then get it checked out. I plan on paying to get my skin checked every year as I think it will put my mind at rest.

27-06-17, 20:15
Looks like a regular mole to me! My children are hanging out in the sun a lot this summer and have new moles popping up on them 24/7 lol. As long as it doesn't change or itch or hurt I think you are ok