View Full Version : Worrying

27-06-17, 04:35

I went to yesterday about my aches and knobbly bone and now I am freaking out. I had an X-ray and I am worried it will show something terrible. The radiologists were all mumbling to each other when they did X-ray and I panicked that they saw something abnormal, although I realise they probably were talking about what they saw on the tv last night or something! Now I am terrified the doctor will call with bad news. GP did not seem overly worried just said we'll do an X-ray to check it is what I have diagnosed. He also knows my HA is unrelenting and probably wanted to stop me being at his surgery all the time worrying about it. I only stopped on my last worry once I had an ultrasound. 🙄

I know I need to calm down and it is best that I have been checked cos leaving something is not good but I am so worried 😩 😩 I have always had health anxiety to a degree but since I had kids and lately especially it has ramped up to being out of control. My parents both have been diagnosed with different cancers this year (aged 66 and 68) and I guess I think I'm next 😰😰

Any tips to calm down, I don't think I can sit still! I am better at work than worrying at home