View Full Version : Right now I am so afraid, why does everything happen to me?!

27-06-17, 11:57
So to put it shortly I've been afraid of ALS since I choked a few times on water. Today I decided to self-test my reflexes and they are incredibly exaggerated, my legs jump like crazy when i tap the knee and what worries me the most: I have a jaw jerk reflex very present and with (possibly) clonus. When i tap the chin it jumps like crazy repeatedly (clonus). I read that's always indicative of disease... Now I'm so afraid! I did the same self-testing a few months ago and nothing like this happened. Also when I went to a neuro 4 months ago my reflexes were nothing like this they were absolutely normal.

27-06-17, 12:02
Please take all comments below as a bit of a smackdown of your anxiety, not snarkiness for the sake of it...

Today I decided to self-test my reflexes and they are incredibly exaggerated

Where did you get your neurological qualifications?

I have a jaw jerk reflex very present and with (possibly) clonus

Laymen shouldn't even know these terms, let alone have any chance of diagnosing them.

I read that's always indicative of disease

Anxious minds Googling things isn't the same as medical research.

Also when I went to a neuro 4 months ago my reflexes were nothing like this they were absolutely normal.

So a neurologist gave you the all clear, then?

As I say, hopefully you can see some of the illogical thinking going on here. Only a doctor can tell you if anything's wrong, you certainly can't diagnose yourself in complicated fields of medicine.