View Full Version : Visiting the GP

11-05-07, 09:06
Hi there

I'm recently diagnosed with panic attacks, and I'm still having problems getting my head around them. Sometimes I have a complete day without thinking about them and then bang they hit me. My symptoms are anxiety, sweating, pains across my chest and abdomen, tingling feelings and an imenient feeling of doom, such as I'm about to die of a heart attack. I'm going to see the GP again on Monday morning and was wondering what to ask? I was thinking of getting a full health check and if that's OK, which I'm sure it will be (I've had an ecg, blood pressure and chest x-ray when I went to A&E a few weeks ago, but is that conclusive?) I was thinking of a referral to a counciller. I've got to sort this out as it is really disrupting my life, and have a wife and 6 month baby to look after, I don't want them to suffer as they have been because of my condition. Any help from you guys would be fantastic. What should I ask?



11-05-07, 09:17
Hi John


11-05-07, 09:18
Hi John

ask for one final health check, then try to put those doubts to bed. I would then be inclined to have a chat with your GP and see if both of you feel a course of CBT (or similiar) may help. He/she may offer meds and thats a personal choice.

I am afraid though, that waiting lists for referals tend to be quite lengthy (unless you go private). In the mean time, I have found that certain self-help books invaluable in coming to terms with obbsessive thoughts about my health.

Hope and Help for your Nerves by Claire Weekes I found particularly helpful. The book does explain what actually goes on during anxiety attacks, taking the fear out of those feelings your body goes through.

Good luck mate


11-05-07, 13:12
hi john
ask for referal to a councillor, i did its a good start, they'll help you understand whats happening and give you advice. i know what youre going through.
take care phil

11-05-07, 14:00
Get the health check - it will stop you googling any symptoms ( and getting stewed up) once you get the all clear which I am sure you will.

Have you got any questions about medication? If so have a chat about that. Is your wife going with you? I took my partner and it helped cos they remembered much more of the conversation than I did.

Councilling is a good one. Do you have a reason for your attacks starting cos' that can affect what help may be best for you. E.g. hynotherapy for some is good. I personally see an Osteopath because it helps redress my adrenalin imbalance.

I have a little tot and it is worrying because I thought I was ruining my childs life. But please don't think along those lines because you'll be being a better daddy than you think.

Good luck and let us know how you go.

16-05-07, 05:51
I agree with everyone else-go and see your GP and have a chat with him/her.I am the same and I plucked up the courage to go to my doctor and I have just started psychotherapy-only had one appointment so far so I'll keep you posted! Good luck, Bubble