View Full Version : Petechiae???

27-06-17, 16:03
So a couple of days ago I noticed a small petechiae rash on my upper right arm. They are formed in a line and definitely don't blanch when I press on them. I've been worried about getting petechiae because I have intense health anxiety over sepsis and lymphoma and now that it has actually happened I feel really terrified.
I've tried to talk about it with my parents but they're brushing it off as if it were nothing and telling me its probably from me scratching my arm and then forgetting about it. If that was the case, why are they still here 3 days later? Wouldn't I remember scratching my skin so hard as to create petechiae??
Due to my health anxiety, I feel like I physically cannot go to the doctor because I just know they're going to send me for bloodwork and then it will come back that I do have something terrible etc.
This is making my anxiety so bad I'm crying and panicking all day.
If anyone has any reassurance at all, please please help.

27-06-17, 16:56
hey, I had petechiae fear 2-3 years ago, sometimes they just appear on my legs, but I get it also on my arms (rashes) and feets. I can just wake up and notice them. Dont worry about them! if they wont disappear in two weeks ( for me it took about a week or so for rash) and there appear new, massive rashes then I would be concerned. Just FYI - I did full blood tests when had these rashes (my docs and famliy laughed at me xD but I was determined) and it was perfect! It was exactly the same in next 6 months. REMEMBER if it's due to any disease it's MASSIVE and mostly connected with low blood platelets. My was more than perfect so dont worry or just do simple test and forget about petechiae. I just noticed few new on my feet and ignored 1 s afterwards. Take care!

27-06-17, 17:28
Thank you so much! That did help ease my anxieties a lot. I think its because whenever you google this type of stuff, you just get hit with all the worst possible things and I think those really fueled my anxiety over this. I'll keep an eye on it but I'll try not to worry about it anymore unless something gets worse! Thanks again, I really appreciate it! :hugs:

27-06-17, 18:18
You're very welcome. I just know how is to have fear like that :) And I remember how much terified I was, looking for spots everywhere, comparing to photos in google or waiting for blood results. It's not worth your life, stop it and think about help for your anxiety, cause if no treated it can be worse! Keep an eye on it, but I promise it will fade away in few days and you will be fine.

27-06-17, 20:26
I have a history with petechiae as well. Like you, it really freaked me out.

Funny thing was, while I was worried about it, I'd get them all over. Now that I know they're harmless and am not stressed, I almost never get the spots. Strange how our bodies work. ;)

27-06-17, 22:35
I get these too! Sometimes after exercise or climbing. My doctor told me they are normal in general, but some people get them after using the bathroom or lifting weights, basically anything that strains your body a little. I don't really let them bother me anymore. My husband calls them my "little red freckles". I'm switching doctors in 2 weeks because of insurance changes so I will ask this doc too! :winks: