View Full Version : Crazy visual symptoms, can anyone else relate?

27-06-17, 18:09
Okay, so I've had the floaters, flashes, but not in getting weird ghosting and even certain patterns are bothering me. Can anyone else relate?

27-06-17, 19:07
Yes I can relate with all of these!! Especially patterns thing, my vision has been really bad lately apparently from anxiety and patterns have been driving me mad its like dancing in front of my eyes

27-06-17, 19:21
Just when you get used to a set of symptoms a new set is there :(

28-06-17, 01:47
Just when you get used to a set of symptoms a new set is there :(
So true and so frustrating!

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28-06-17, 03:33
Went to a baseball game tonight and the protective netting drove me nuts. 1 year ago it never would have been an isssue!

28-06-17, 08:39
Sure, I get little pings of light (like a shooting star), about 10 seconds later it creates a 'blank spot' - it turns from blank to purple to normal over a period of 3 to 5 min and then no more problems. Probably get one every two days for the last 20 years.

Also sometimes will get a fixed-floater in eye - like a dead pixel randomly. Will stick around for a few days and then disappear.


29-06-17, 08:54
Its true what you say about a new set of symptoms.
I find theres always something new popping up even at this point where i would think ive had every possible feeling or thought.... Ill find something new.

I get flashes, i see faces or what i think are people but is just shadow.
I have little blue or pink lights that can appear and like you say patterns .. normally when i shut my eyes the pattern shows up more if you know what i mean.
They are always annoying but after a while i found i actually stopped noticing them.