View Full Version : "Kind of" relieved

11-05-07, 09:33
Ok I got the results of my 24 hour holtor monitor and my full blood test and everything appears normal. I appear to be healthy which is great. :)

My Doctor has diagnosed me with anxiety/panic-attacks and has recommended that I talk to a pyschologist. The trouble is I feel as if I'm now a "loon" and I generally still don't feel 100%. I still have this lingering feeling that something is wrong. Is it normal to feel like strange/tired days after an anxiety attack?


11-05-07, 09:49
Yeah, I reckon that's totally normal. Although it's most obvious when you're having an attack, you're probably still suffering from low level anxiety which is why you feel weird.

As for feeling like a loon, I think most people find that's their immediate reaction. It's important to remember that we're all socially conditioned from a young age to view people with mental health problems as some 'other' group who are at best odd and at worst dangerous. But what is sanity, and who decides who is sane or insane?

There's lots of evidence to suggest that there is a sort of spectrum of mental health and most people move along it in some way; in other words everyone has the potential to be 'mad'! I know I always feel more confident in myself when I think of it this way, maybe it'll work for you too!

04-03-08, 08:42
Hey, I probably seem to be resurrecting this old thread but I'd just like to point out that I went and got help through a pyschologist
It's been a long road to managing the anxiety/panic and I think I'm well and truly feeling much better about myself. I've had about 15 sessions with the pysch so far and been doing lots of "homework" in addition.

I'd just like to say to people that it is very possible to take control of your life and conquer the panic/anxiety and get it back on track without any medication whatsoever. CBT has worked for me.

I know that I will always be an anxious person, however putting my feelings into more realistic terms helps immensely.

I have also managed to stop myself from "mindreading" what other people think of me.

I still have a bit of a way too go but things are looking great!