View Full Version : Thinking the worst

27-06-17, 18:37
I'm on holiday now with my parents, brother, sister.

But can't seem to enjoy the holiday AT ALL.. I feel anxious when going out to places.. like supermarktets, shopping centers and anywhere i can't escape quickly..

Have that nervous feeling in my stomach all the time, unless i'm at home. Today we went walking high up in the mountains.. i got car sick at first driving there.. and then walking in the mountains i felt so close to having a full panic attack the whole time. I had no phone connection so couldn't distract myself at all. I felt like i was going crazy.. My mom tried to calm me down but i just felt SO uncomfortable. I get existential thoughts too like 'why am i here' 'am i really alive right now'.. and it just sends me into panic for some reason. Is this normal with anxiety?? I just felt like this time i was going to go crazy and never return to normal again. Like my whole world was ending. The panic feelings are so intense i get worried it's something more serious then panic. I've had the feeling a 1000 times before and never gone crazy but i still worry everytime that this will be the one my brain can't handle and i'll never be able to think normal again..

When i'm back home everything calms down and i feel fine.. I've been to many psychologists and they all say it's just anxiety and panic and there's nothing wrong with me...i would never go crazy etc. But the feelings get so intense? Does anyone else have this?? I just hope there's nothing wrong with my brain ... Please someone help this is making me depressed and it just makes me want to stay home always :weep:

27-06-17, 20:19
This sounds like agoraphobia! It's the fear of places and situations that might cause panic, helplessness, or embarrassment. I have it to a degree too. I can't go places if there won't be a hospital or phone reception nearby. It's because of the fear of being helpless.

28-06-17, 16:22
Yes i guess so :weep: Today i had another bad day.. we went to a shopping mall and i felt nervous the whole time, on the verge of having a panic attack.. can't enjoy this holiday at all... Im just so relieved and happy to be back at the house again now. But not looking forward to tomorrow as i'll have to fight to keep myself from panicking again whenever we go out the house..

I've been on escitalopram for about 3-4 weeks now. I only feel worse tbh. My head feels cloudy which adds to the panic. Don't feel clear headed, just tired. Should i ride it out and keep taking the medication longer?? I kinda want to stop and see if i'll feel better..

28-06-17, 20:18
Keep taking the meds. They can take up to 6 weeks for you to feel the whole effect! I'm so sorry you are suffering with agoraphobia! It's a terrible feeling!! Please keep taking it and try to take some comfort in knowing you aren't alone

Do you like music? Sometimes listening to music when I'm out and about helps me