View Full Version : Sweating more on citalopram

Little Voice
27-06-17, 19:34
I have been on citalopram for nearly a year. It has really helped my depression and anxiety but I am finding I get hot easily and quite sweaty. It can be pretty embarrassing as i will be sweaty under my fringe, face, back....not just under my arms I sweat loads at the gym..like it's running down my face and I'm not working out hard enough to warrant that amount of sweat. If I exert myself I get hot flushes and it's embarrassing. Is this normal and does anyone else experience it? I can live with it as the benefits of citalopram outweigh being a sweaty betty, but I just wondered if anyone else has experienced it.

28-06-17, 07:11
I can live with it as the benefits of citalopram outweigh being a sweaty betty, but I just wondered if anyone else has experienced it.

Unfortunately, sweating (hyperhidrosis) is a reasonably common SSRI side-effect. It usually isn't anything to worry about, but it can be a pain in the butt. :sad:

Small 1mg doses of the blood pressure medication terazosin (Hytrin) have been shown (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22731399) to significantly reduce SSRI induced sweating, as has oxybutynin (http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.ajp.2010.10091348) (Ditropan) which is prescribed for overactive bladders, but I suspect doctors would be reluctant to prescribe them. It might be worth discussing this with your pharmacist as there may be effective topical preparations that reduce sweating.

BTW-serotonergic antidepressants can also increase skin photo-sensitivity so applying a high SPF sunblock if outdoors for extended periods is a good idea.