View Full Version : Back to Career after panic PLEASE HELP

28-06-17, 12:20
Dear all nice to be bk

I went to do teaching in 2011 and left due to having chronic panic attacks which lead to agoraphobia. It's taken me 6 years to get back on my feet and now kids are older time to get back out there! I've got an offer at medical school doing a masters degree at a wonderful university. I decided to return to what I live science and what my initial degree subject was in.... however the time table although part time is a bit much 8-6 1-6 9-3 that equates to 3 days per week and then on top a full time research projects for six months and some additional days randomly placed and exams etc. It's an honour to get a place at a prestigious university but my previous breakdown and juggling the kids with a research degree - leaves me in such a conundrum..... I wish I never got the place because knowing I've secured one and then binning it - will I regret it???? I'm at an age wh re times against me, I'm approaching 40 so want to get on and get out there. I'm Looking at other courses of interest but they aren't at universities as good and some courses are in totally new subjects so I'm scared to jump ship .....I don't want to over do it and it all fail again plus my youngest is only 3 - please help

28-06-17, 16:56
Hello Dear,
im in no position to tell what you should be doing.. however i share the same story as yours . i have been admitted into a french university early this year , to pursue as Master degree. having severe anxiety and panic attacks and lately depression i was very anxious about taking this step as i cant even tolerate travelling for vacation. few weeks before my last confirmation , i had to defer my Master till next year as i was having frequent panic and wasnt able to manage my routing , in my safe zone.

i just wanted to write you so you know you arent alone in this specific case .. i always had the dream to continue my education, actually do nothing but to study if i can afford that. i know its painful that i stepped back , but i felt it deep it was suicidal to even attempt going there .

however, if the UNI is the same country where you live , then i would say give it a try , think about the worst scenario, if you can deal with the consequences , go ahead ! otherwise , try to accept that you can do it when you are ready to.. i dont think regret is the right word for those who suffer from anxiety ( i.e assume and hope that you will be great in few year , would you regreteyou didnt take it ? no ! coz if they bring you back to when you are in the anxiety boat , you would decide what you can do )

im left with nothing to say other than wishing you good luck if you manage to get yourself together , otherwise , just try to accept things as they are , something im trying to practice.