View Full Version : Hi I'm new here!

28-06-17, 12:30
Hello everyone.
I have been reading your forums for a couple of weeks and I suppose I'm looking for some advice and reassurance. And I apologise for the lengthy post in advance.
The last 6 months plus I've been experiencing numbness in my right hand and foot, and then recently tingling in my left hand, I have been so tired and not sleeping well waking at 5 every morning for some reason. My left arm has 'felt' weak but when I use it I can lift things fine but it seems to tire easily and sometimes my legs feel weak and wobbly. Tense neck muscles and some blurry vision in my right eye, and a really weird sensation on the left side of my face which I can not describe. All these sensations come and go throughout the day. Along with muscle twitching when I'm trying to relax. Obviously like a lot of others my first reaction was MS.
About a month ago I had, what I now know, was a panic attack. Palpitations, sweating raised heart rate and blood pressure. I have high BP but its fine with my medication. I considered going to A&E but It subsided after a hour or so. I had just been offered a job after being a stay at home mum for the last 3 years and I was really worked up about sorting out childcare.
So then I went to see the doctor a few days later who did some checks as I broke down in front of her she asked if I was anxious and stressed I said I didn't think I was but she said she thought it maybe anxiety. Before that I had never considered all my symptoms could be anxiety related, I mean what do I have to be anxious about? I have a beautiful family, a roof over our heads, food in our tummies and clothes on our backs. It's not been easy not at all I have a 6 year old and 3 year old twin boys! I've always been a very laid back person but the last few months I have been very worried about my health and scared about what will happen to my children if anything happens (don't think my hubby could cope alone). So a couple of weeks ago I saw a neurologist, I'm very lucky my husband has AXA through work so got seen very quickly otherwise I would have had to wait until august. He did some tests again I broke down in front of him and that's just not me. He did some more checks and he said he didn't think it was anything serious at all but arranged a MRI (get results Monday) and a nerve conduction test (normal results) to 'put this ghost to bed' as he put it! I'm going to see a mental health nurse next week the doctor offered medication but I said I'd wait and see. The last week or so I have been taking Kalms during the days and keeping a journal of my feelings and symptoms and I've been doing the Paul McKenna stress control trance a couple of times a day. I do feel my symptoms are worse when I'm alone and have the time to think about them. Can anyone advice on a way forward for me? I usually feel fine first thing in the morning but after an hour or so I'm back to worrying about the different sensations, and I just breakdown and start crying. I'm trying to show my mind that there's nothing wrong, so if my legs hurt or feel weak I'll do some squats or walk around or something.
I've just realised how long this post is so I'm very sorry, but I just feel like I needed to get it off my chest.
And the last thing I have been on the mini pill for a couple of years after twins were born and I just stopped taking it a couple of days ago after I read it can cause depression and anxiety.

28-06-17, 22:10
Hi! Welcome to nmp:)
Sorry your having a hard time. Anxiety is horrible. It's good you will be seeing a mental health nurse. They will be able to talk you through your anxiety & find strategies to cope with it. They will be good at helping you find the best medication too. I have a good cpn just now & I am finding her support so helpful. Hope you feel better soon :hugs: