View Full Version : Appointment tomorrow with ENT

28-06-17, 16:50
I'm pretty worried about my appointment tomorrow with an ENT. I'm going for my dizziness that i've been experiencing lately. I'm scared that he will refer me for another MRI (I had one almost exactly 3 years ago) on my brain, and then the worry will REALLY ramp up. Praying for good results. God is with me.

Anyone else been there with dizziness?

Mine is usually when I'm moving. Like when I'm in a car, and the car stops - it feels like I'm still moving. Or when I move my head fast, or if I'm looking at my phone while walking. It makes me feel dizzy or woozy. Or if I'm sitting on my bed and my kiddo climbs onto the bed, making it move. :weep:

28-06-17, 22:03
I am getting similar symptoms. I haven't been to the doctor yet as I've been hoping it would get better. It actually feels better today.
It would be interesting to know how you get on though.
Good luck for tomorrow, at least you will get some answers and hopefully some help for it. It's a horrible feeling.

29-06-17, 23:11
The ENT checked me over and scheduled me for a balance test in a month. I asked him about an MRI and he said that he'll order one for my reassurance and peace of mind, but its HIGHLY UNLIKELY this is a brain tumor. As I was leaving, he yelled out "Don't lose sleep over this." ...the MRI is about $1500+ tax. So my husband and I don't think it's something that should be done right now, especially since he said it's highly unlikely anything sinister is going on in there, and that he only ordered it for my reassurance. However, this dizziness/vertigo is very real, and very scary. Here's to trying to trust someone with actual medical experience....not just google experience.

30-06-17, 06:34
Well it's good to know he doesn't suspect anything sinister, but like you say these feelings are real and it is horrible.
I hope something can be done to help, I really struggle with it and don't like leaving the House for fear of falling over. Some days it's difficult to even walk around the house.
I really need to go to the doctors about it but fear they'll just tell me it's anxiety and there's nothing they can do.
Hope you feel better soon.

30-06-17, 17:14
I so badly want to get the MRI, but I know if I do, I'm just feeding the beast. If I get the MRI, I might be reassured for a time (providing it comes back normal!!!), but then I know it'll just be something else I'll worry about. And if it truly IS a brain tumor, it'll get bad enough (I'll have a seizure, legitimate weakness in my limbs, slurred speech, ect) that'll send me to the ER where they'll run a CT and/or MRI anyway.

So it's time to break the cycle. I was doing so well for a while, and now I feel like I'm right back at square 1. I feel like a failure, allowing myself to fall back into the crazy loop.

My husband and I both prayed and prayed over the ENT appointment, that God would give the doctor wisdom to make an accurate diagnosis. Now, it's time to trust.

Here goes nothin'!

30-06-17, 17:48
I wish you the best. :hugs:

Did the ENT give you any indication of what he thought might be at play? I'd guess something inner-ear related based on your symptoms, and not a tumor at all.

30-06-17, 19:43
The MRI isn't worth $1500. You're gonna kick yourself if you end up paying $1500 for an MRI. BTW, I've had 3 of them.... because of dizziness.

My dizziness feels like I'm walking on a boat, sinking into the floor, I get the same moving sensations you get.

In my case they NEVER found a cause, it's assumed anxiety could be playing a role.

Inner ear testing might be something to look into, just to see if you have some nerve damage. Vestibular migraine is also something to look into, there are no official tests for vestibular migraine.

And of course, it all could simply boil down to an over-sensitized nervous system... and in that case, it's impossible to say how long recovery can take. If you have a history of anxiety I'm thinking over-sensitized nervous system is likely.

21-08-17, 07:38
Hi, just wondered how you were feeling and if you had found any relief from it. I'm am still getting this on and off. Did the dr give any reason for it?
I hope you are feeling better.
I hate these feelings it's so hard to function normally x