View Full Version : I literally give up, colon and ovarian cancer

28-06-17, 21:17
So I posted a few days ago about worrying after being referred for ultrasound scans of my abdomen and (internal) for pelvis because of some worsening ibs symptoms. Well my anxiety has been through the roof as I think he's obviously looking for cancer. First I thought colon, it's obviously colon but now I think ovary. My symptoms are
Period type pain (could be ovulating about now had similar last month and was up the docs no suprise)
V annoying increased urination, tumour pressing on my bladder???
The ibs symptoms which started this all off are actually a little better but it's still not helping. Anyone else had similar symptoms??

28-06-17, 21:33
I have IBS, ovulation pain, and abdominal pains and bloating etc.

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28-06-17, 21:38
Have you had it for long? Any tests? Thanks

29-06-17, 07:41
Have you gone for your ultrasound tests already? You should. My lower left abdominal pain started in February 2017. My doctor said it might be an ovarian cyst. So she sent me to see a GYN doc. The doc sent me to have transvaginal and pelvic ultrasound and a papsmear. All were negative. My pain is intermittent, not intense but I say around 2-3 out of 10 pain. I did a lot of bloodwork including CBC, CMP and BMP, and also urinalysis with culture. I did a kidney ultrasound too. All negative. So my PCP sent me to a GI specialist because the pain location changes sometimes from lower left, to upper left to flank. The GI doc had me take Dexilant a proton pump inhibor thinking it might be GERD or ulcer. It worked for 2 weeks but pain came back. He then had me take IBgard which is for IBS to see if IBS is causing the pain, so far, it hasnt worked. Yesterday I did a complete abdominal ultrasound, which showed I have gallstones ( I already knew I had gallstones but it is not causing the left sided pain, because the gallbladder is on the right side). But all other organs like the pancreas, kidneys and spleen are normal. In Feb I thought I had Ovarian cancer. And then when GYN cleared me, I thought I had Kidney cancer. When my kidney ultrasound was negative, I thought I had colon cancer! But since I dont have any bowel changes, I now think I have pancreatic cancer which is the worse of all cancers. But now that my abdominal ultrasound is clear, what is next for me? What now? It is crazy right??? I hope you go and do your ultrasound soon, it might give you the peace of mind.