View Full Version : Need some tips for appearing more friendly.

28-06-17, 22:06
I have always struggled with social anxiety, and because of it I feel like people think I'm very unfriendly and rude. In fact, the issue I'm struggling with is that when I would go to one of my friends houses for a party, I would just try to slip in and not be noticed by anyone. His relatives actually complained about me and asked why I never personally say hello to each person. Now every time I walk in I say hello to each person but it feels completely awkward. In my family I even feel awkward when I have to say hello to everyone. I feel like when I was little it was like "oh she's shy how cute" but now that I'm older and obviously lack social skills, everyone gets mad when I can't function normally and think I'm rude and unapproachable.

It's summer so there's a lot of social outings and parties, does anyone have any tips to make it easier to look friendly, say hello and overall just not feel like I'm doing everything awkwardly?

30-06-17, 15:12
Smile :D

Positive thoughts

08-07-17, 11:44
just tell yourself today i will do this and see how it works... pretend to be someone else in your mind if that helps. if you MAKE yourself talk you will see how much of a difference it makes

08-07-17, 11:54
Like fishmanpa said smiling is definitely a sign of friendliness. That's always noticed! Explain that your family does things differently next time? Do you like them honestly when you think about it? Don't work on appearances that's a waste of time. Be friendly if you mean it. I despise parties and I now can tell people around me that I'm an introvert and all that... life's too short to go doing things you hate.