View Full Version : Completley off trazaodone..withdraw side effects

29-06-17, 09:13
Hi guys.i was on 250mg liquid trazadone for about 4 years and before that prob on it at 100mg for couole of years.well i took a year to come off it so as from 1 month ago iv been trazadone free.since coming off my sleep is rubish and inly a few hrs plus takes me longer to get off to sleep..i was wondering if anyone has been on this and come off it as i have and experiancing side effects.im feeling lower mood than when i was on it and my anxiety is higher.im getting through it tho.im still on 2.5mg olanzipine.the mental health team told me to go onto mitazipine 30mg.i took just 15 mg of this and fely crap,high anxiety and bad depression.i stuck it out for a few days but it was just to much,so i stoped it,plus mitazipine has weight gain side effects which i do not want..any advice please..cheers

29-06-17, 11:04
I can't help you with the trazaodone but I too am taking mirtazipine 30mg. I felt no better on 15mg so was upped to 30mg, it took about six weeks till I started to feel the benefits. I'm currently tapering off olanzapine at the moment and its a nightmare. I feel your pain.

29-06-17, 12:12
Cheers diamond..i came down from 5mg olanzipine to 2.5.took me about 4 months.so still on 2.5mg..did you get any weight isues on mitazipine and has it helped at all.how long side effects on mitazipine..im hoping these feelings iv been getting since coming off trazadone will fade soon..

29-06-17, 18:39
I didn't really get much side effects from the mitizapine it just took ages to feel better. I've put on 4 stone in just over a year but my psych told me this was down to the olanzapine hence why I'm getting off it. Been on the mitizapine since January, its definitely helped. 4 months do get down to 2.5mg? My psych wants me off it completely in a month, maybe thats why I'm finding the taper so brutal!

29-06-17, 18:53
Thats good to hear on mitazipine.olanzipine is hard to xome off because its so hard to cut the tablet in small bits very hard so that you can come down very slow.i was on 5mg of that and got 5mg in 2.5mg tablets so just had one 2.5mg and cut one ito four and went from there.i didnt put on much weight compaird to yours 4 stone blimey thats alot.i found in time my hunger got less on olanzipine so not a problem