View Full Version : We could lose everything - How to cope?

29-06-17, 12:27
Hi everyone.

I wondered if anyone has been through or is going through something similar?

Someone is making a fraudulent injury claim against us - been going on for nearly 5 months now.

I sadly had a miscarriage 2 months ago - I believe down to the stress as it's very possible we could lose everything we've worked so hard for, destroying our future hopes and security.

We're self employed and it's been incredibly difficult building our business from literally nothing over the last 9 years and we're far from wealthy.

I hope I can find a way to relax and sleep at night as we had hoped for another child - I'm now in my 40's so if we're to try again, I need to find a way to cope with everything and stay calm but it's so hard!

If anyone has any advice or similar experiences I'd be grateful to hear them,

Thank you

29-06-17, 14:39
When life hands us multiple issues as it usually does it helps to take one thing at a time. My therapist tells me to face one issue that I can solve. If I can't solve it, put in on the back burner so to speak until you can solve it.

Someone has filed a claim against you, what are your options? Gather all of the facts in regards to the problem, hire a good lawyer.

When you go to sleep at night, that is all you have to do is sleep. You can't solve your problems by worrying about them before going to bed.

Do you have a therapist? Mine is very helpful. I know one issue I have is I hate waiting, however, life does make us wait, a lot! I focus on what I can accomplish today and then tackle the next project.