View Full Version : Tired of being dizzy

29-06-17, 13:16
Lately I've been dealing with some of the worst dizzy spells of my life! Of course, having health anxiety I instantly imagine it must be a brain tumor, and I'm trying hard not to think that way.

I AM however trying to remind myself that I was recently diagnosed with a severe b12 deficiency and my doctor told me weakness and dizzy spells can go along with that. (Luckily the easy fix for that is to take a supplement!)

Anyway, I'm not asking for medical advice but I am asking for any tips on how to handle these dizzy spells. When they hit I feel like I'm going to fall over right into the floor. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to keep from falling when you're super dizzy? Or how to calm down a dizzy spell?

I have fainted once in my life and I can still vividly remember what I felt like right before. Thankfully this doesn't feel like I'm going to faint, but even so I'd rather not fall down!

Thanks :)

01-07-17, 00:54
For me the eply move helped...you may have vertigo which is an inner ear issue. Another weird thing for me was rubbing lavender oil behind my ears.