View Full Version : Panic attack I think at work.

29-06-17, 17:37
Hi it seems I had a panic attack at work. Not so sure if it was but the feelings I had were very high alertness felt like my eyes were pulsating feeling hot feeling like I was going to loose it. The story behind it was my manager had a meeting regarding I think was a mistake I made whilst there was an audit on. I don't like making mistakes at all. So when this happened in that day it was something I have always done think everyone did it even the guy says if this happens on a day of an audit that means it happens all the time. My fear was and is everyone will target me by mickey taking or certain individuals and I will start biting taking it personally and then get angry with it. I even got mad with my boss for naming me in front of my team. His response was did you listen to what I said after that. To be honest I didn't I just heard my name and then panic. He said my name but was was unfortunate it was me. I still took it personally. Had to take painkillers. Does this make sense. I just felt isolated and thought everyone was looking at me. Please read if it makes sense. Thanks.

29-06-17, 18:01
Sounds like a very pressured job you are in. I don't think he should have named you infront of everyone either and I owuld have taken that badly too. He sounds like a bit of a dick to be honest.
Anyway, I am not surprised you felt like that and it was probably a bit of adrenaline flying around alright but I wouldn't worry about it.
Try not to get stressed in work or else I would move jobs if its too stressful x