View Full Version : Any advice to calm nerves before skin check?

29-06-17, 18:28
I have been waiting a month for a full skin check after precancerous cells were froze off face. Biopsy near ear came back okay.

I haven't had a full skin in years and I have a lot of moles. I'm absolutely terrified. I seem to be getting new stuff popping up all the time as I just turned 50. I feel like the derm in bound to find tons of concerning things on me.

Check is now less than a week away and I'm trying to keep my anxiety at bay as worst case scenerios keep seeping in my head.

Any tips on how to balance realistic expectations and morbid fear of skin check where I feel like they are going to stop every two seconds and announce "now this looks concerning"

29-06-17, 21:20
Just know that you are going. You are doing it. If they find something they think is concerning, they remove it. Going is better than not. You are being proactive and that's awesome! I KNOW how nerve wracking it can be (you know I know, lol). Also keep in mind that at 50, you've probably had a bunch of seborrheic keratosis spots pop up (age spots), so that might be what you are seeing too. I know how you feel, just keep breathing and feel good in knowing that you are taking care of things!

30-06-17, 02:56
Good advice Nicole. Guess I need to pull up my big girl pants ugh

How did your biopsy results turn out???